The time change; good, bad, or meh?

The clocks get kicked ahead in the United States today, bringing an added hour of daylight at the end of the day. This is welcome, but remembering to change all of the clocks and watches is not! Digital timepieces can be a bear to change, pushing several buttons in the proper sequence. Analogue clocks and watches are less troublesome. I find it easier to turn digital watches ahead in the spring than backwards in the fall. Resetting digital time in one’s vehicle can be the worst of all, depending on your ride.

How about you? Do you like or dislike the time change, and how hard do you find it to adjust to? 🕰️ 🤔
I know in reality it makes little difference, especially for retired folks. There has been a bill repeatedly passed in the US Senate that would leave daylight savings time permanently in effect. I don't think a companion bill of the same effect has ever made it out of committee in the House. I guess there really are more pressing issues to be addressed.'ve been told the time change is to do with the war ?..ahaha.. were you blitzed ? and we OTOH are told it's to help the farmers in Northern Scotland, and also so their children also don't have to go to school in the dark...
I was taught that Daylight Savings was implemented to expedite business.
Especially in the winter months with short days anyway. I would go to work and come home in the dark. Kind of felt I was living the life of a mushroom.
I think most of us did that at some point in our lives depending on our hours. Even relatively recently, I was going to work at 6am in the dark, and coming home at 8pm in the dark...
