Things I've Learned

Gary O'

Things I’ve learned

Live long enough, you come to know some things
Younger folks listen, sometimes in awe
I don’t consider it wisdom
Just lore

And enjoy sharing

Anyway, feel free to submit any personal offerings you aged people care to share

Here’s something I wrote about awhile back (hope I didn’t already post it here…)

I have a bit of a flash temper (you? Gary? a thin skinned Irish buzzard?)

Back when I toiled for others, I ran into situations with the finer forms of humanity.
Wimin in bizniss.
Aggressive, mean but polite, ornery, devious, conniving, scheming, jealous, tricky, shrewd, wimin.
…and that was just the cleaning lady.

Before I got bumped into upper management, never knew what went on in some lady’s minds.
Seemed nice, cordial, pretty, fit, a tad amatory in regard to attire of choice.
They were very good with what they did.
Puzzled me they could devote so much time to conniving and yet do such a commendable job with their departments.
And, man, cut ya down in a heartbeat, think nothing of it.
I pretty much settled in to their step-n-fetch-it guy.


There were times

Planning meetings
Closed conference rooms
You could feel the electricity
their targets were each other
the stare...daggers across the conference table
Get between ‘em and you’d be zapped, turned to a quivering mass of goo, something to be mopped up and flushed.
They’d even join forces to accomplish that, then go back to efficiently plotting each other’s demise.
I was there to cut that potential electrical storm with humor

Not easy

At times I became their target
I’m not a guy that dwells on things
Guys are like that
Git mad at someone, have it out, done, over.


with these ladies, they caused me to think, even dream up certain scenarios.
I’d find myself, on the way to work, thinking up snappy comebacks.
Never came to fruition, but, somehow gratifying.


Even if one was successful in the upbraiding dept, they’d pull out their ultimate weapon...crying.

I was culling some scrap wire in the warehouse.
Left over garbage from an auction lot.
Wasn’t even in inventory.
The QAM came running at me.

‘You can’t just scrap that without getting approval!’
‘Nothing is scrap unless I say it is!’

Got all in my face
Started thumping my chest
I focused on her finger, thumping as she blathered
Something welled within
Took the ten pound spool of unusable wire
Raised it high
And smashed it on the warehouse floor with as much force as I could muster
‘Now! It’s scrap!!’
(felt like Moses)

She ran off, locked herself in her office.
You could hear her in there, crying.

‘bout then the prez came thru the front door
Whistling a joyful tune
Holding a happy meal breakfast in a bag
Got some coffee
Asked how things were going


I so love retirement

oh, what I've learned?

is so worth working for


Living in the moment

I tend to harp on this
But I’m mostly just reminding myself

What I have found
You see a person smiling, while doing anything, not necessarily smiling at anyone, they are probably living in the moment

You see a person frowning
They are living to get thru the moment

Not so sure that’s all bad, but, boy howdy, this in the moment thing has become quite precious since getting to the ages of hitting
Hitting the big five oh
Hitting the big six oh
Hitting the big seven oh

then there's

Getting to the big eight oh
Shuffling/wheeling into the big nine oh

It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own.

Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. Benjamin Franklin

Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest. Benjamin Franklin

The folly of arguing with a fool…
What does it take an Irish geezer to learn this basic point of life?

I must chop more wood

Two cord hasn’t near done it
Gary O', it seems you had been caught in nests of women caught in the multiple struggles of trying to show they have what it takes to do as well as any man (in certain jobs) and found that though they can, it's worse stressor is what they are put through mentally, intellectually and emotionally from nay sayers. Most men only see a woman's outside reactions to their stress and seldom are they able to understand the why of it. IMO. :)
Gary O', it seems you had been caught in nests of women caught in the multiple struggles of trying to show they have what it takes to do as well as any man (in certain jobs) and found that though they can, it's worse stressor is what they are put through mentally, intellectually and emotionally from nay sayers. Most men only see a woman's outside reactions to their stress and seldom are they able to understand the why of it. IMO. :)

My last post was more in consideration of more recent events, but, yeah.

Yes, yes I have.

I see it as an era, or precedent to the acceptance of the fairer gender in upper management.
A breaking of ground, so to speak.

Some ladies would seek my counsel, not knowing I didn’t have a clue.
Come into my office…close the door.
Big no-no.
Commence to cry
Not sure how I survived that


I became very good friends with the two I previously mentioned.
We look back, laugh our hind ends off.

Thing is, the last Christmas party got a bit strange.
People tend to get sloshed, do things they regret at company parties.
When my lady and I proceeded to make our exit before folks got so wiped out conversation would be a challenge, the QAM gal came at me, hugged me, whispered in my ear what she wanted to do to me, and grabbed my hind end.
I just patted her on the back, while attempting a cordial release

Retirement is good, so good
As much as i would like to point the finger at venomous females in the workplace, there are also some difficult men. Better to be called a misanthrope than a misogynist.
Just ive got this feeling that my current boss would be happier if I quit.
As much as i would like to point the finger at venomous females in the workplace, there are also some difficult men

So true

It's really not a gender thing at all
Basically, some humans have yet to enjoy the experience of humanity
In this case, some wimin, at that time, got caught up in the somewhat relatively new experience of upper management
They were not nice people
I recently found out something about myself
I don't miss anybody
Not friends
Not family
Not anybody that's passed

I feel a bit odd about that
Like, maybe I'm lacking a gene or hormone
I see threads where someone posts how much they miss someone
I'm not there....can't get there

I do think about folks
…..and write about 'em
I sometimes even talk about missing someone.....but, really....I don't

Can't say I ever have....ever

Am I the lone duck on this?
No Gary you are not the lone duck in this. I love where and how I live and don't miss the rest of it.
Or anyone. Do I think about others at times, yes. But that is where it ends for me.
Think at some point I realized that I am who and how I am by going through all sorts of highs and lows. Interacting with people , situations
and so on.
In my mind I am where I am supposed to be, to enjoy the world I built for me.
Those people that stroll though once in a while are on their course whatever that might be. :devilish: 😇 :p :cool::devilish::devilish:;):(:love::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I recently found out something about myself
I don't miss anybody
Not friends
Not family
Not anybody that's passed

I feel a bit odd about that
Like, maybe I'm lacking a gene or hormone
I see threads where someone posts how much they miss someone
I'm not there....can't get there

I do think about folks
…..and write about 'em
I sometimes even talk about missing someone.....but, really....I don't

Can't say I ever have....ever

Am I the lone duck on this?
You sound very much like my husband...

He even said out of the blue the other day that he thought he may be slightly autistic, in that he doesn't have so called ''normal'' empathetic feelings for anyone..., not that he's a psychopath or anything , but that he doesn't miss anyone, (although he can look back fondly at past relationships with friends who have passed and recount anecdotes ).. doesn't feel any kind of deep loss for them or even for his parents since they died, and really although he has friends and colleagues and they all get along well together, he's not someone who makes the first move to wish them a happy birthday or invite them over.. it just wouldn't occur to him.. I have to do all that instead on his behalf.....
You sound very much like my husband...

He even said out of the blue the other day that he thought he may be slightly autistic, in that he doesn't have so called ''normal'' empathetic feelings for anyone..., not that he's a psychopath or anything , but that he doesn't miss anyone, (although he can look back fondly at past relationships with friends who have passed and recount anecdotes ).. doesn't feel any kind of deep loss for them or even for his parents since they died, and really although he has friends and colleagues and they all get along well together, he's not someone who makes the first move to wish them a happy birthday or invite them over.. it just wouldn't occur to him.. I have to do all that instead on his behalf.....
'very much like'?
We're identical indifferent twins!
So interesting.
Your comments stuck with me and then i had an epiphany later in the day as i reflected on the missing gene syndrome.
I do well alone.
So well that i’m not even close to being miserable during this horrific pandemic holed up with only my kitty. Of course my kitty would say ‘what do you mean ONLY’
