What exercise have you done today?

Did a 2 mile walk at a nature trail this morning. First time in months. My heel bursistis is finally feeling a bit better. I've been resting it by just using the exercise bike, plus about a week ago I started taking 440 mg of Naproxen twice a day. I'm not supposed to take that with my kidney disease but it hasn't progessed any in the last 4 or 5 years so I'm taking a chance that I can get away with it short term.

Naproxen really works for me when I get any kind of thing like this, and nothing else seems to work at all. So I've been rolling the dice and taking it for about 10 days now. I'm going to quit after tomorrow and hopefully the bursistis won't flare back up when I do. I did today's trail walk really slow. I took an hour and 15 minutes to finish it which works out to 1.6 miles per hour. Before I got the bursitis I was averaging about 48 minutes which is 2.5 miles per hour.
I'm doing well, thanks for asking.
This morning I did 25' on the bike, 29' on the rowing machine, then mowed the front yard.
I'm not injured but haven't yet found any suitable walking shoes for walking and/or running outside.
I’m glad you are doing well. That’s quite a workout. I can’t wait to mow our lawn but we need a new mower.

About 2 weeks ago I bought my husband a pair of running shoes from Amazon. They fit him perfectly and he says they are so comfortable. He was expecting sore feet for a few days but that didn’t happen and they fit him perfectly.

They are called:

Skechers Mens Energy Afterburn Lace-Up Sneaker​

