When Was the Last Time You Made a New Friend?

I recently reconnected from a distance with a guy I'd known since 6th grade who I had last seen freshman year of college. We might meet at a newer, small, Renaissance Festival weather permitting over the next few days. His wife has lost too much vision now to be home by herself for long, but as a bonus that means she'll be along and I'll get to meet her too.

There are also a lot of people I used to work with before retiring in 2011 who are still above ground. Many of them I'd known since 1980, so over 30 years for a core group even as I moved within the larger organization. I was at many weddings, funerals, and in some cases our kids played with each other and some were once next door or close by neighbors. So in a sense they're almost extended family. Trying to reconnect may mean meeting new people from within their circles. Most of these are at least in my area, unlike school friends who scattered to the winds later on as we do.

So while most of those aren't "new" they do present an opportunity to meet actual new people and possibly form new friendships. Some may have common interests, and doing things together could bring us into contact with more new people.
One of the best past-times to meet people is dancing, as in Latin & Ballroom. It's a passion that my wife and I have spent a lifetime enjoying, and met so many new friends along the way. Partner dancing, by it's very nature, will get you into the company of new friends. We can only just about manage a shuffle these days but there was a time. Let me share something with you.

Fifteen years ago, back in 2009, my mother-in-law passed away. To help my wife through her bereavement I took her on a long, four day weekend to her beloved Scotland. Whilst in Glasgow we saw a poster for a vintage style burlesque show followed by dancing. We called into the theatre and found the box office open, and, there were a few tickets left.

I treated us to the show tickets and the optional meal. What a night it was. We made many new friends, we also caught the attention of a dance critic, or so he thought. (Don't give up the day job.) Our dancing had strangers coming up to us, complimenting us and getting us back on the floor to copy our steps. Click here to read what our critic made of us.
What a delightful story, @horseless carriage!
