Why is 4/20 celebrated? It's tomorrow.


There are many ways to consume marijuana both for medical purposes and recreationally. Smoking, vaping, edibles, tinctures, and topicals are just a few examples of how people use marijuana. Each method has pros, cons, and risks to consider.

Whether you use marijuana and how you use it will also depend on whether it’s legal where you live.

If your provider has recommended or prescribed medical marijuana for you, talk to them about the most effective and safest way to use it.

The Many Different Ways That Marijuana Is Used

According to this medical has been available for a year now. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation...to-allow-pharmacies-to-sell-medical-marijuana An Indica gummie allows me to fall into a deep pain-free sleep. Most people find edibles take time to work, not me I need to be in bed within fifteen minutes of ingesting.
What strength are they Rick, if you don't mind me asking? I'm not a gummie taking person, but I could be. :giggle:
I've had to quit smoking for now, due to health issues.
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