A modern take on romance, (far from anything I recognise)


Old codger
I read a newspaper article at the weekend where a young woman described her experiences in the dating scene of today, under the title "Love Many".

All kinds of things were brought to mind, and I think you'd have to say some of it was written to titillate. The messages sent out, even in fiction writing, as to what someone should expect, or how they think they should behave does open your eyes, (my mum wouldn't have been happy anyway, nor my dear friend I called my second mum, who said you only ever truly love once in your life!):

Here is a short extract:
That November I had pressed against the deadweight of depression – of a broken heart, the post-broken-heart universe, ringing tepidly with rain – and downloaded Tinder. I went on a date with an American who said, I could put my hands around your waist, and then, when the wine list came, pointed at the wine list and squeaked, halfsies? I went on a date with a man from Cork who had lived in Boston for one year and acquired an accent so accurate and bulletproof I could not believe he was really from Cork. This man also had a low lisp, which made much of what he said sound malevolent and sexually exciting. He rented an extraordinary apartment near the Peppercanister church, a section of converted townhouse with a ceiling that stood on columns of yellow plaster, scrunching at the centre to a vortex of snowy garlands: the sash window opened onto the fire escape and the Boston-Corkonian sat in a chair, smoking out of the window, holding forth. By two in the morning I felt exhausted and deranged by his strange monologues. I lay on my face and proceeded, for the rest of the night, to play dead."

"And then I went on date with Timothy."
"I will tell you what I'm going this weekend, he said looking about, but you might think it strange (he said). Go ahead, (she said). I'm going to a farmhouse, in the back of beyond, to take some psychedelics, as part of a ceremony." "That, (she said), is the coolest thing I've ever heard"
"(He said), And frankly I just want to, you know, get a cab to my place with you. Would you like to come? Break, "Yes I said, OK, F***........"

Let us start a poll:
1. The world has gone crazy
2. Well, not yet
3. No, everything's cool


How does describing strange dates turn into romance?
I think you've managed to come up with the pithiest, and most fundamental question, because I'd say if the woman featured, (or anyone else, man or woman), sets out in the fashion described to supposedly find love, its the one thing they won't find. :unsure: .
I know I am but what are you?

Wait a minnit…...that didn't work. Never mind.
According to Janice I'm a criminal. A thread hi jacker hiding out in cyber space, trying to divert attention from everyday wondering about what is next. We know what's next here. More posts with nonsense that is a challenge.

Like wait a minnit and me being a demanding little shi& not wanting to give you a minnit.
