Joint Pain Do You Take Anything Besides NSAIDS?


I can't take NSAIDS which include Naproxen, and Ibuprofen and Diclofenac. Does anybody take anything else that doesn't cost much?

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If you live in an area where marijuana products are legal, there is always CBD cream. Works great.

Otherwise, we've used Young Living Essential Oils' Panaway. That works too. Don't recall how much it costs.
If you live in an area where marijuana products are legal, there is always CBD cream. Works great.

Otherwise, we've used Young Living Essential Oils' Panaway. That works too. Don't recall how much it costs.
I have priced CBD cream and it's outrageous (for my budget at least) but thanks for your reply.
i take nsaids. i shouldn't cuz of my copd and the fact that they give me hives without benadryl but the docs here don't want to prescribe anything decent because we could get hooked. omg!
Lol, to my knowledge Tylenol does not **actually** do anything for pain relief, but is great for destroying yer liver.

NSAIDs will increase your risk of heart attack and stroke, so I won't take those either.

For my osteoarthritis gentle movement works well, Taichi-Qigong-Yoga.
NSAIDS are very bad for the liver too as a few liver specialists have told me.
Lol, to my knowledge Tylenol does not **actually** do anything for pain relief, but is great for destroying yer liver.

NSAIDs will increase your risk of heart attack and stroke, so I won't take those either.

For my osteoarthritis gentle movement works well, Taichi-Qigong-Yoga.
I need to make some changes in my lifestyle but, I'll admit to being too busy to bother with it most of the time and the rest is sheer laziness.
Hi Ruthanne...I have this three times a week because I play tennis frequently and get some twinges in my elbow... it works for me.
Boil 2 cups of water with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and ½ teaspoon of black pepper. Let simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Add lemon, honey or milk to taste The black pepper is necessary for absorption of the turmeric. In addition, Nathan’s suggestion of gentle exercises is great. Tai Chi is super if you can manage it!
Hi Ruthanne...I have this three times a week because I play tennis frequently and get some twinges in my elbow... it works for me.
Boil 2 cups of water with 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and ½ teaspoon of black pepper. Let simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Add lemon, honey or milk to taste The black pepper is necessary for absorption of the turmeric. In addition, Nathan’s suggestion of gentle exercises is great. Tai Chi is super if you can manage it!
Thanks, what brand of turmeric powder do you get? I ask because I have taken it in capsules and it made my stomach upset before.
If the pain is in an elbow or a knee, roll up
a hand towel, kneel down and put it behind
the knee, then gently go back so that you
trap the towel, keep going as far as you can,
that should do it, if the hand towel isn't big
enough, get a bigger towel.

Do a similar move with the elbow, though it
is a bit more difficult there.

Thanks, what brand of turmeric powder do you get? I ask because I have taken it in capsules and it made my stomach upset before.
I use Bioglan but that's an Australian company...don't know if you are able to get that in the US, however, any shop selling the organic stuff will do. I never use capsules. When available I buy the fresh turmeric and grate it. Another way of using the turmeric if the drink does not suit is mixing it up with your mashed potatoes (if you have that) or any other vegetables. Failing all that, feast on curries....that's what we're having for dinner tonight! 🌷🌷
Mobic, meloxicam 15 mg per day. It is prescription, but a pretty mild anti-inflammatory. Cost varies a bit, but I can usually get it for less than $5/month. My doctor prescribes for months at a time and will renew whenever the pharmacy calls, very easy. I have been taking it for over 10 years and it is a big help, I have little joint pain. If I stop for a few days the pain returns. Other than the joint pain relief I have no side effects.
I use Olive Gold Oil and BioFreeze which works wonders. If bad enough I'll use Gold Bond Lidocaine lotion. A little bit of each goes a long way. In the case of a flare up of serious inflammation, I am one of the lucky people who can take aspirin and it takes the inflammation away almost immediately. Don't require that too often. I tried Ginger Oil, but it didn't work on me. Have friends who swear by it.
I have bad back and hip pain and the only thing I can take is Tylenol, because I take blood thinners. Tried expensive CBD drops and saw no relief from these. Sleeping and lying flat is the worst.
I was very disappointed with the CBD oil. Other Cannabis products like Indica gummies work great for sleep. No side effects.
Daily exercise is the only thing that seems to help me but I haven't been able to stick with it for more than a few days at a time.

Sometimes a little heat helps.
It takes a while to make a habit, exercise is a good one...take 'baby steps' and you'll get there. ;)

I use my heating pad every day(shoulders-neck-back).

I took Baclofen for years and years- hardly put a dent in my pain. One day last year the pharmacist called, told me they were cutting my prescription(worried about liability issues, since I'm over 65); I told them "go ahead and take away my prescription- you're just forcing me to get my drugs off the street". I was just giving them a hard time, but driving home my point.

My point: Mainstream medicine has NO pain solution that isn't harmful, except of course aspirin, which was invented in the 19th century. Aspirin is not known to increase risk of heart attack or stroke, like the other NSAIDs, but it's still an NSAID.
My skin wounding is bad enough, if I take aspirin I'll end up with tons more purple bruises on my arms. :rolleyes:
