Lazy Doing Housework, Have You Done Any Housework today?


Endlessly Groovin'
I do housework when I need to, some things I only do once or twice a cleaning off bookcases. I have a tall wall unit type bookcase, old in heavy wood. Today I started doing my den/computer room, and started with the bookcase. Took stuff off the top, dusted, Endust wax/wiped, removed all books, dusted them, replaced them after cleaning dust and cob webs around the shelves. Still have the bottom shelf to go and think I'm going to put it off until tomorrow.

I did do some vacuuming besides that, but been taking a lot of breaks. :p That's one of the good things about being retired, time is not restricted. :cool:

Did anyone else here do any housework today?

Just a little today. Finishing up after the company yesterday.Actually ran the dishwasher! With just me, I wash my few dishes as I go. Cannot stand dishes in sink.
I'm like you Terry, don't like dishes in the sink, might leave them there for a little while but they all have to be done before bedtime. Only had a dishwasher once when renting an apartment, found myself cleaning off the dishes before putting them in there, never wanted to get one after that, would rather do it the old fashioned way and be done with them.

Made the bed, swept the kitchen floor, did the dishes and a five minute bathroom cleaning.

It only takes a few minutes a day to keep my little apartment clean enough for me but I have fairly low standards when it comes to housework, LOL!

I mopped/waxed my kitchen floor shortly after I got up. I didn't realize last night I had spilled something sticky on the floor.

I changed the furnace filter a few minutes ago.

If I'm in the mood, I'll do a load of laundry later. My mother always said housework is patient and willing to wait for you to get around to it.

ETA: I baked a couple of loaves of bread and a big batch of cookies. I guess that's a chore but I enjoy it.
I've been out all day so no housework at all today apart from the breakfast dishes washed up before I went out ... I cannot bear dishes in the sink..and I don't have a regardless of how rushed I am for anything, if nothing else gets done the washing up HAS to be done..
Housework....what's that? I gave up a long time ago. You clean and clean and it only gets dirty again. I only vacuum it when the tracked cat litter gets ankle deep or wash dishes when I run out of clean plates to use. Grass is growing in the dust on top of my dresser. It's a sure bet I will not be winning the Martha Stewart housekeeping award anytime soon. LOL
Housework....what's that? I gave up a long time ago. You clean and clean and it only gets dirty again. I only vacuum it when the tracked cat litter gets ankle deep or wash dishes when I run out of clean plates to use. Grass is growing in the dust on top of my dresser. It's a sure bet I will not be winning the Martha Stewart housekeeping award anytime soon. LOL


Your post reminded me of this quote, LOL!

“There is no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse.” - Quentin Crisp

“There is no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse.” - Quentin Crisp
I'm making a sign of that quote to hang on the front door.

I really hate jobs you have to do over and over and over again, especially the ones where there is no getting better with practice involved. If they would only invent disposable pots and pans. {sigh}
I've been out all day so no housework at all today apart from the breakfast dishes washed up before I went out ... I cannot bear dishes in the sink..and I don't have a regardless of how rushed I am for anything, if nothing else gets done the washing up HAS to be done..

I love my dishwasher. It's the perfect place to stash dirty dishes. When it gets full, I run it. No one needs to know I haven't done dishes for days. Out of sight, out of mind.
I'm making a sign of that quote to hang on the front door.

I really hate jobs you have to do over and over and over again, especially the ones where there is no getting better with practice involved. If they would only invent disposable pots and pans. {sigh}

I agree, I'm not very good at the day to day drudgery of life.

Maybe it's time to rip out the kitchen and install a vending machine!

Funny Bea! :D Well, after taking the dog for a nice walk in the park, then going for another walk in a wooded area on my own, I came back home and did a load of laundry and finished up that book case. Still more in that room to clean but it won't be today, I'll do it in drips and drabs. :p
I love my dishwasher. It's the perfect place to stash dirty dishes. When it gets full, I run it. No one needs to know I haven't done dishes for days. Out of sight, out of mind.

Yeah I know, I'd do that too if only I had the space for a dishwasher..:rolleyes:... I hate housework for the very reason Nancy states...because it's a repetitive job, that never improves regardless of how much you do it.. but I'm also the type that can't look at mess or dust for very long I just HAVE to do it...**arrghh***... it' the same with ironing..jeez I hate ironing but I hate un-ironed clothes the ironing gets done regularly ( even tho' I have lower back problems)..but I'm getting so much better with that these days. I find that I buy much less clothing that needs ironing..I use the Tumble dryer more and get the stuff out as soon as the dryer stops and hang it... and now all hubs shirts get sent to the dry cleaners every 2 weeks and he pays... so I am making
I've been very lazy ever since we came back from vacation about a month ago. I've been trying to do a little each day to catch up but laziness has really gotten me. It doesn't help that I've been tired because my sleep schedule is all screwed up.
Cleaning is seemingly a waste of time when I'd rather be doing something else, but it is nice when it's all done! I clean the whole house once a week, and it's not too bad since I only have hardwood and rugs to vacuum! Yay!

When I worked and my son lived with me, I kept a regular housekeeping schedule.

Now that I am a retired empty nester living my second childhood without parental supervision... I have no schedule for anything.

Consequently, housekeeping chores are not done nearly as often.
I don't mind housecleaning at all. I do have a schedule. Fall and spring cleaning,general cleaning once a week on Thursday or right before company comes. I do have a bit of ocd which seems to run in the family.Sometimes I'm more picky about what can't be seen than what can. I constantly clean and arrange cabinets,drawers and closets. As for the dishes. I don't have a dishwasher and don't want one. In fact, after company has left I usually take a shower,get into my nightgown and robe and do the dishes. It relaxes me,I think about the evening and conversations we all had. The hubby retreats to the recliner and TV like nothing ever happened. I need to unwind. Doing the dishes helps.
Ruth, the two richest men in the world, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, both do the dinner dishes. Bezos says it's the sexiest thing he does.

I once read an article about zen and dishwashing. When I wash the things I can't put in the dishwasher, I often think about that. Not a bad thing to do, and it's soothing to my hands.

ETA: My big chore today was shampooing the carpet in one of the bedrooms. It looks and smells good in there right now.
i clean the kitchen every day-freshen the 2 bathrooms -wash and fold a load of clothes--once a week i dust mop and vacumn--as far as heavyduty cleaning like walls and ceilings i let my daughter do that--after all she is younger than me
Finished loading/running/empting out dishwasher. Stripped our bed and put nice/clean/fresh sheets on. Dirty sheets and pillow cases in dryer right now. Will fold clean sheets and put clean pillow cases back on pillows. My housework will be then ........done for the day:)
