An Economic Spurt

Don M.

central Missouri
As a result of these recent storms in Texas and Florida, there may well be a "boost" to the economy. As the billions of dollars needed to recover from these events begin to enter the economy, thousands of jobs will be created in any industry/business related to this recovery. The rebuilding of housing, and infrastructure, plus the need for furniture, appliances, etc., will soon become apparent. Thousands of people have lost virtually everything, and they will need a massive amount of goods and services to get back to normal. Even Wall Street seems to be taking this into consideration as the markets have taken a nice move upwards, and any business involved in this recovery will probably see some good profits and rise in share value.

The question yet to be answered will all this be paid for?

I agree.

I'm afraid people will do what they've always done. They will go back and rebuild in the same spot. They will pay for it with insurance money, credit cards, government handouts and government insured loans.

We are always in such a hurry to get things back to normal after a natural disaster that we don't take time to learn from it.

I wish I knew how to change it.
