Are you a caffeine junkie? Soda guzzler? Tea/coffee addict?

I love my dark brown caffeinated beverages but I am *really* trying to keep it to one a day for various reasons... Either Barry's Irish tea or Masala Chai in the AM and I restrict myself to two coffees a week (among other reasons, I find my joints--especially the ones just below my thumbs-- don't hurt as much.)

I have found that simmering a large thumb-sized piece of fresh ginger + 1.5 cinnamon sticks makes a couple glasses of very refreshing, satisfying iced beverage for afternoons.

I'm trying to drink more H2O b/c I should but it's definitely not my fave drink!
In 1980 the doctor told me to stop drinking coffee, it was irritating my gizzard. Have not had any since.

I had a glass of Champaign about 5 years ago at a relative's wedding, that was the last. Doing fine without them.

I have become fond of Raspberry iced tea.
Probably a water junkie. I drink 4-6, 12 oz bottles of water daily, a cup of coffee in the morning and one in the evening and usually have 4 oz of OJ for breakfast.
Tea. All day. Hot tea 2 or 3 times a day and 5 or 6 glasses of iced-tea throughout the day.

My favorite iced-tea blend is (for a gallon pitcher) 5 bags black, 2 bags gray, and 2 bags ginger. Sometimes I add a bag or two of turmeric. I hang all those bags in a pitcher of hot water and let it sit for about 2 hours. Then I dump in about a half-cup of sugar, stir it up and stick it in the fridge.

Hot tea is either green or gray + ginger.
I have been in the past. By the time I graduated college I was up to 10 cups of coffee a day. I've always worked where the coffee was free in the break room so, while I don't think it was 10 a day, it was certainly a couple in the morning, at lunch and again as the 3:00 pick me up.
I was actually worried about retirement and was afraid I would just drink it all day long. But I've settled into 2 cups in the morning and maybe one more during the day if there is a meeting at the clubhouse or something.
1.5 cups of coffee in the morning. .25 cups at noon. Lots of water throughout the day. Wherever I am in the house, I have a glass of water handy, including right now. It probably doesn’t help with the middle of the night waking. There’s a glass on the bedside table, though I only have about half of it.
I used to love it. Two to three cups of coffee in the morning. Then I developed hyperthyroidism after I retired. Now, one cup of water processed decaf. Not really the same. It’s like pretend coffee. But, I don’t want a racing heartbeat and palpitations so I behave. And drink lots of water.
My coffee pot holds 10 cups. I drink all 10 everyday. Don't think that makes me a caffeine junkie, just a coffee lover. :)
Being a Brit and not liking tea makes me "strange!" The times that I have heard: "You don't like tea?" My tipple is Jamaican Blue Mountain Peaberry coffee, ground for the Cafetière, or French Press, if you prefer, served black, no sugar.

The expensive price of the coffee keeps my addiction in check!
I drink one cup of coffee in the morning for the flavor and the boost, and if especially tired in the evening will drink a second cup after dinner to keep going. I try to limit my intake of caffeinated sodas to one small cup a day if I have any. I’ve known people who drink coffee or caffeinated sodas throughout the day, however, and most haven’t seemed to die young.

At my annual physical, I’m always asked invasive questions such as whether I smoke, drink alcohol, or do illegal drugs…”nope” to all of those. Then I’m asked if I consume caffeine, and it’s a “gotcha” moment, but you have to give medical people something to chastise you for…

*Stands Up *.... I am British and I'm a tea-aholic !

I drink tea all day long...


I'm a lightweight coffee drinker, rarely drink coffee at home, but when I;m out I almost always have coffee when I stop at a cafe or pub for a drink..

I keep coke and lemonade in the fridge, and drink a small glass maybe once a month..or on very hot days...
I can't claim to be any of these. I have one cup of coffee a day... sometimes two. :coffee: :coffee:
I rarely drink tea, and not addicted to caffeine. Soda... only a few times a month. Lots of water, though.
