Are you the last of your line?

I have one brother who had three children and they have children. For me though, I have one child who will never have a child of his own. Lots of cousins but only one who would carry on our family name and he only has one son. I don't think it really matters all that much. At least not to me.
The family name ends with me, although I have a sister who produced three children, each of whom produced two children. Infertility is the last closet illness, and those of us who are childless not by choice tend to suffer in silence, walking apart through this life, and invisible to the fertile majority who sometimes blithely assume that anyone can have children. I could write volumes about the tactless questions and comments I’ve received over the years…
Interesting discussion subject. Although I don't have a common French Canadian surname, there are enough across the continent now. In any case from my own perspective, having a lasting surname is far far less important than having genetic descendants. So either male or female offspring is of importance.

I am an unmarried single, though siblings have had one daughter and one son with more possible. I do believe I have per below, good DNA within a majority of relatives that do not. However due to my own selfish mistakes as a young adult, I sadly lost the gift to effectively procreate as I have lived an adult life on the edge of the eternal abyss, not able to confidently support dependents.

I've often written and solidly believe so, that our planet is already greatly over populated with we homo sapiens. By my crude measure maybe 10 times so versus an ideal maximum population able to live sustainably in balance within the incredible and IMO likely rare blue water DNA organic life of this world, for thousands to millions of years into the future. Potentially, we mortal intelligent entities, live on a planet that other intelligent entities across the vast universe would consider a paradise.

As a modern science educated human, I also absolutely believe that within our populations, there are a minority of humans today that genetically have brains with social intelligence and behaviors capable of making that sustainable paradise a reality. Not a specific ethnic race, nor level of raw intelligence, but rather a social tendency of a minority of diverse individuals. At issue is, a large majority do not that is a result tersely of, breeding in survival of the fittest and individual aggressiveness.

Such only became an issue about 8,000 years ago, a mere moment in geologic time, when we hunter gatherers moved into large groups, then cities, then civilizations. All that has become absolutely obvious to anthropologists and psychology.

That personal opinion has now become absolutely cemented since I recently began studying first ancient civilizations about diverse isolated areas across the planet. All but one, were disgustingly warmongering killers from that start. In this recent modern era, what happened to the first great civilizations because such was recorded with written languages on clay tablets in arid environments that doesn't decay, has now been deciphered and in our nascent technology era displayed for anyone to now read in books and the YouTube Internet. That is why I recently posted an elaborate thread about the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia. Read it and understand, fellow Earth monkeys.

I've also increasingly come to the view, that Earth is a likely a galactic quarantined zoo for an ancient race of intelligent entities that are quietly monitoring us and wondering if after 4 billion years of work involved with Earth, whether they are going to need to step in and remove the hopelessly unfit majority. A view that society would obviously consider very un-politically correct over.

This all plays into my views on where the Christian religion arose from as an attempt by the UIEs to help us rather than surgically remove us that they would likely view as immensely immoral. As such, Jesus was and is, an example of what they expect for we flawed humans to become. Our last chance, that in this overpopulated warmongering era is looking sadly hopeless.

Yesterday, I began another thread "Brian Cox zoo..." that ties into the above. It is likely they may only intervene AFTER we by our own selfish greedy warmongering behaviors destroy the vast majority of what we now are.
I am. Neither of my siblings had kids and neither did I. Brother died in 1977 (suicide), sister died two years ago (cancer.) He younger, she older. Egg and sperm donors (don't call them "parents) are long gone. I am the last and given the way I grew up, I am pleased to say, the cycle of abuse ends with me.
I do so feel for you and understand , what a disappointment and trouble your family has been. Where love and support ought to have been, you have had pain. So sorry.
