Boy Dog Goes For Surgery Next Wednesday

GREAT new today on that boy dog, Mason !!!
There were two growths removed from his paw, a larger one and a smaller one that "concerned" Dr Martin.
Lab results came back today and both growths ... BENIGN !!! WOooHOoo :)

On initial examination 2wks ago, first words from Dr Martin was, "That looks cancerous."
That comment was based on decades of experience and what he'd seen on other dogs.
So allay'alls well wishes and our prayers WORKED !!! ... BENIGN !!!

Thank you ❤️
Wonderful news, thanks for the update.

This Opinel has great sentimental value ...
Years ago my 12yrs old boy dog, then a pup at the time and I were napping on the sofa when this knife slipped from my pocket.
Awakening, I was startled to find the sofa had gnawed and chewed my Opinel !!! Shoot
Never trust a sofa to watch your pocket knife ... sometimes they even swallow them.
The knife is a wonderful reminder of a refreshing nap. Some afternoons, I still tote it to the sofa for old times sake.

Nancy called this morning to confirm tomorrow morning's appointment for 9:30 @SRVS for bandage and suture removal.
ROoooo ROoo ROOOoooooo !!!


It's 80 degrees out and the boy dog is napping nekkid in air-conditioned bliss on the leather at Fort Sofa.

Removed the very fashionable cone of shame and when I noted a licking storm brewing, I simple said, "no" and he stopped. I don't have to raise my voice or be emphatic either. Mason understands, "no". He minds much better than most 12, almost 13, year olds. He's a good boy.

So for the first time in 3wks, Mason rests peacefully without a bandage and splint or a boot or sock on that right front paw and without wearing a cone. Dr Martin said test him without a cone today (one week since the bandage and splint was removed) and so far so good. If he does start a licking storm on that paw, back in the cone he goes. Fingers crossed.

This Opinel has great sentimental value ...
Years ago my 12yrs old boy dog, then a pup at the time and I were napping on the sofa when this knife slipped from my pocket.
Awakening, I was startled to find the sofa had gnawed and chewed my Opinel !!! Shoot
Never trust a sofa to watch your pocket knife ... sometimes they even swallow them.
The knife is a wonderful reminder of a refreshing nap. Some afternoons, I still tote it to the sofa for old times sake.

Nancy called this morning to confirm tomorrow morning's appointment for 9:30 @SRVS for bandage and suture removal.
ROoooo ROoo ROOOoooooo !!!


Mason looks such a sweet boy. Good he is recovering so well. :)

Is the handle on the knife walnut?
@Trish ... This No.6 Opinel is the only one I have in Walnut
Wood exposed to oils from the palms of my hands and much handling
... still apparently not as tasty as Bubinga :ROFLMAO:

Nice. The Bubinga knife has a great shape I think. (y)

Until I got my uncle's old knife, I hadn't realised how many different types there are, and how lovely some of the designs are, as objects rather than what you would normally associate a knife with. I can understand why so many people collect them.
