Comical WW2 pictures.

yes I've seen those pics before Pappy, in fact I watched an interview just recently with one of the guys who wrote those remarks on the Bombs... I woulda done the same if I'd been in their position . I hope most of those guys lived!!
???.......I'd like to know what's going on here but I'm afraid to ask. :D


I wish I could dig it out, but I don't even know where to start looking. I have an old black-and-white photo of my dad on his Navy ship crossing the Equator.

He's had half his head shaved, he's covered in dirty engine oil and appears to be wearing not much more than strategically-placed pieces of seaweed.

Apparently, crossing the Equator on a Navy ship entitled (or obligated....) you to a ceremony that ranged from mild hazing to full-out mayhem, depending on what the Captain allowed.
