Davey Do's Art News

Davey Do

Senior Member
Goofy, Illinois
When I was a practicing nurse, I was a nurse 24 hours a day, whether I was at work or not. Nursing was my calling. My favorite website catered to nurses. The majority of my art centered around being a nurse.

The majority of my time off work was spent pursuing endeavors in art. Now that I have been retired for nearly a year and a half, I no longer feel like I am a nurse and I will spend up to 14 hours a day in my art room. I feel like an artist.

I noted that the majority of my my artistic expressions now centers around being retired and my art which I have world and time upon which to focus. Every day brings a new discovery in art, whether that be as a product or a process, which is really big news.

To me.

So I have decided to publish my Davey Do's News which have to do with art in this thread.

As artists, we often go through phases. A year ago, I was in a sculpting phase which included metal, wood, and clay. Currently, I am in a colored ink phase, working with various weights of paper and other media which will hold ink.

Like toilet tissue.


That was so much fun, I ink an image on a paper towel, cut it out, and glued it to a journal page.


I have also recently discovered alcohol pens which have brush tips, or chisel and bucket tips. They too are fun with which to play.


I believe that is it, for now, but I will be back!

In the nearly year and a half that I've been retired, I've left my quaint home in the country for one of three reasons: Business, bike rides, or Belinda making me go somewhere with her.

This morning I had a hankering to walk around the old downtown of the largest town near me.

Very few were out and practically no place was open on this Labor Day Sunday morning. I ate a sandwich at Subway, looked through an antique shop, and visited the shop of some old artist friends.

As I hiked back to my Jeep, I passed several old businesses, many of them empty. I stopped in an old vacant shop's doorway and saw an old plastic bottle stapled to the door, near its bottom. I believe I saw a rolled up note inside of the bottle.

"Ha!" I said to myself, "Message in a bottle!"

My childhood best friend, Rad, has a farm, has always been into motorcycles, and only uses a computer to order something on line, checking his email about once a month.

In the days before the internet, I would snail mail postcards and other art to my family & friends. With Rad, I still do.

I've been studying Medieval art as of late, made a postcard for Rad, informing him of this, and said that I had found a pic of an ancient illustration that he might find interesting:

I'm playing around with an old manuscript kind of art. I've done some research and it's incredible how hard these artists and scribes had to work in order to merely make their media!

And the time it took to recopy manuscripts! For example, before the advent of the printing press, it would take 12 scribes a full year to recopy a Bible!

I've begun collecting classic novels in the form of graphic novels. I've collected a few, including To Kill a Mocking bird, Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, and some others that I read in junior high and high school. It's interesting to see how an artist visualized situations I've known of for up to 50 years.

My wife bought me a graphic novel of Slaughterhouse Five which I read and studied the first day. I have always been attracted to the main character, Billy Pilgrim and the concept of him being "unstuck in time".

As I was making written entries in one of my journals, in order to be self-inspired to do some illustration art, I noted that I was circumstantially jumping around to three different subjects. I thought of Billy Pilgrim being unstuck in time, and I was unstuck on subject.

I emulated the graphic artist's style and came up with this:

