Dentist lied about Medicare paying for Dentist work.

Medicare will not pay for routine Dental. Some Medicare Advantage plans pay for dental.
You need to read all the find print before enrolling in a dental plan. When I was employed, a dental insurance salesperson came to our office to sell dental insurance. Along with her sales pitch, she brought a thick handbook that outlined their plan. It would take a long time to read it, but I noted some key points & she got very irritated with me when I asked her about them; obviously it made the other employees think twice.
Among those points:
"Coverage doesn't start until 12 months of paying premiums." (Obviously, they want to make money before paying anything out)

"Dental treatment can involve several options & the insurance provider will choose the least expensive treatment option." (I experienced that while I was previously employed with a company that provided dental coverage through "Cigna Healthplan." Instead of a crown, the dentist kept filling teeth that needed crowns because a filling is cheaper than a crown. Every few months, the fillings would break apart because the decay was too large, & the dentist would have to drill away more of the tooth & fill it again - as he was ordered to do by the people in charge.) When I would ask the dentist if a crown would be a better than constant decay, constant filling & constant exposure to Mercury, he's say, "Oh, no. Fillings are better than crowns."
And, there are several types of crowns - Porcelain & Metal, & Plastic. Of course the provider will choose the cheapest ones - which won't last very long.
If you have dental coverage, your treatment will depend on what is cheapest for the insurer; not your health.

Among those points:
"Coverage doesn't start until 12 months of paying premiums." (Obviously, they want to make money before paying anything out)
The good news is that Medicare Advantage dental will not have a waiting period and if it is an option on your plan, you can add it anytime you want.
