Did You Know that there are Full Concerts on Youtube?

Once we got our Smart TV and We could watch You Tube on it we discovered a lot of great stuff like this. Rick always liked informational stuff, and the old movies. I watched concerts, movies and TV show episodes.
I like a lot of the informational and fun stuff I find there. I have spent several hours just binging on different You Tube stuff. Yep, it is not just songs, and cat videos any more. LOL

Once we got our Smart TV and We could watch You Tube on it we discovered a lot of great stuff like this. Rick always liked informational stuff, and the old movies. I watched concerts, movies and TV show episodes.
I like a lot of the informational and fun stuff I find there. I have spent several hours just binging on different You Tube stuff. Yep, it is not just songs, and cat videos any more. LOL
That's right Marie, there is tons of good stuff on youtube! I am watching it right now! :)
