Drinking water can help heal the body.

Water is life. I learned years ago to drink proper amounts of water daily. It cleanses inside and out and you need it to remove toxins from the body and rehydrate yourself. I know so many people who don't drink enough water and have all sorts of problems because of it.

It's health rule 101.

I'm hoping some of our Florida members can answer a question: do you drink the tap water down there?

I've heard quite a few stories about how bad it is ...

Tap water is usually not good anyplace, period. Unless you get it from a mountain spring or artesian well. I just use a jug with a replaceable filter. cheaper then bottled water and purer.
Tap water is usually not good anyplace, period. Unless you get it from a mountain spring or artesian well. I just use a jug with a replaceable filter. cheaper then bottled water and purer.

I have one of those too, and my water is far worse than yours I promise.....really hard!

You are of course quite right; but I am not one of the healthiest people on here....and I don't like drinking water a lot!
You are of course quite right; but I am not one of the healthiest people on here....and I don't like drinking water a lot!

Oh dear. Well, maybe you might consider doing just that. It could improve things for you and could have been a source of some problems for you by not having properly flushed your system.
It's a discipline to get yourself used to drinking enough glasses of water a day. But you can do it and it will become part of your routine. They sell jugs with filters or the type you attach directly to your faucet.
the best way to prepare your water is to start with o3 or ozone purification, then run that water thru reverse osmosis filters. some tap filters just use charcoal to remove the coloration. one of the best buys yu can make is to use good water. Both walmart and sams clubs and costco use this method and walmart has a website you can look up the "impurities" in the lot of water you bought. a good way to go if your to busy to do yourself. Micropore or ceramic (Katadyne) filters work well also if your needs are small. Will some please define healthy? No matter how healthy yu are, yu can be always be healthier. If the inconvience of drinking more water outways a relative reference frame of health, well?
the best way to prepare your water is to start with o3 or ozone purification, then run that water thru reverse osmosis filters. some tap filters just use charcoal to remove the coloration. one of the best buys yu can make is to use good water. Both walmart and sams clubs and costco use this method and walmart has a website you can look up the "impurities" in the lot of water you bought. a good way to go if your to busy to do yourself. Micropore or ceramic (Katadyne) filters work well also if your needs are small. Will some please define healthy? No matter how healthy yu are, yu can be always be healthier. If the inconvience of drinking more water outways a relative reference frame of health, well?

Good advice there and I would say drinking enough water is an absolute, end of.
Alkalinity for health, pH of popular drinks.

One of the important things is to keep our body alkaline for health. When we eat acid-making foods, our body will easily get sick, and we are more apt to contract a disease, or to have more arthritis or other joint pain. Water has a pH very close to the optimal pH for the human body, so drinking purified water is alkalizing and healing to the body.
Most of the common things that we drink, such as soda pop, coffee, energy drinks, and even most of the so-called Vitamin Water, is extremely acidic, with a pH rating of around 3-4, rather then the 7+ which water is.
These common drinks can lower the pH in our body and make it more acidic, while drinking water will help normalize the body to the proper range on the alkaline--acidic scale. here is the pH of some of our most common drinks in the US.
One of the important things is to keep our body alkaline for health. When we eat acid-making foods, our body will easily get sick, and we are more apt to contract a disease, or to have more arthritis or other joint pain. Water has a pH very close to the optimal pH for the human body, so drinking purified water is alkalizing and healing to the body.
Most of the common things that we drink, such as soda pop, coffee, energy drinks, and even most of the so-called Vitamin Water, is extremely acidic, with a pH rating of around 3-4, rather then the 7+ which water is.
These common drinks can lower the pH in our body and make it more acidic, while drinking water will help normalize the body to the proper range on the alkaline--acidic scale. here is the pH of some of our most common drinks in the US.

You're absolutelycorrect. Something that hasn't been noted before and is important in realzing yet another reason for proper water consumption.
I always fill an ordinary bottle up with water from the tap and place it in the fridge ( I prefer cold water), it is a hard water area where I live and never worry about it.
Sorry Gael but I didn't click on your link because what one person says this year is contradicted by someone else next year, so why take notice, do what you are most comfortable with and I am most comfortable drinking ice cold drinks.:)
Sorry Gael but I didn't click on your link because what one person says this year is contradicted by someone else next year, so why take notice, do what you are most comfortable with and I am most comfortable drinking ice cold drinks.:)

That's ok Bee; to thine ownself be true and all that!
All good advice here... and its true.. drinking water gets rid of toxins and also can help get rid of fluids.. but isnt the rule
to still drink 8 glasses a day.. as too much water is just as bad as not enough someone said the other day .. I always thought
your body got rid of the fluid it didn`t need so you can`t really over drink water .. but who am I to know .. no scientist just a simple
nurse ...
All good advice here... and its true.. drinking water gets rid of toxins and also can help get rid of fluids.. but isnt the rule
to still drink 8 glasses a day.. as too much water is just as bad as not enough someone said the other day .. I always thought
your body got rid of the fluid it didn`t need so you can`t really over drink water .. but who am I to know .. no scientist just a simple
nurse ...

I doubt you'd drink to much water, something that's rarely done. The opposite usually occurs. What would be a problem is not emptying your bladder enough which is a classic was to get a UTI.
On average, we are about 60% H2O. So, hydrating makes sense. If enough water is not ingested, it will be drawn away from the major organs and that's not a good thing.
