Guess the Food

no more consonants, vowels only .. not English words.
Hint: there are only 2 of the same vowels.

This is a Peruvian dish ..

L _ M _ // S _ L T _ D _

Y: M L T S D
N: P C H N B
Very much trial and error @Pinky. I am pleased you put up the English translation.

An old English main dish. It is a dish you would either love or hate.

You might not be now.

An old English main dish. It is a dish you would either love or hate. Sorry the first word I didn't have enough ---. I have added one.


Yes: N, D, K
No: B
Yes you are right. Sorry about the miss of the second K. I might need to get off here and walk around a little to get the brain into action. Congrats @Pinky even with my mistakes.
