How quickly does time fly for you?


Well-known Member
For years I used to say, "10 years ago I......"
One day I decided to examine that premise and started to count back the number of years which the event took place.
Started counting, 10...20......30........35.........37 years ago.
Damn. Since that realisation I have stopped saying, "10 years ago" and now say, "Way back when........" :D

It's funny because moments seem to pass the same as they always have. However, the passage of years is a lot faster. 40 years ago sometimes seem like yesterday to me now. When I was much younger, 40 years prior seemed liked ancient times.

It's hard for me to accept that a 20 year old probably thinks of the 1980's as "ancient times" but back in the 70's I thought of the 30's as "ancient times.

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Super fast... frighteningly fast.

Just yesterday I was saying this to my daughter.. and saying did she realise that 20 years ago a certain event took place in our family...and how recent it seems.... and the very idea the next 20 years will go even faster.. which will men I'll be nearly 90 years old in that very, very short time... and she the age I am now.. it's quite terrifying..
Super fast... frighteningly fast.

Just yesterday I was saying this to my daughter.. and saying did she realise that 20 years ago a certain event took place in our family...and how recent it seems.... and the very idea the next 20 years will go even faster.. which will men I'll be nearly 90 years old in that very, very short time... and she the age I am now.. it's quite terrifying..
It is something we rarely think about. Until we start to reminisce.
Then the shock sets in.
Time is flying by! Monday to Friday, when I was working, would often seem like a long stretch and, when the weekend finally arrived, it seemed over before it began! Now, every day seems like a weekend!
I agree.. I was just thinking this the other day. How come Mon-fri was soo long when I was working... and now It's Friday the day after Monday...or so it seems...
It is amazing how fast time goes by, I too was 17 and turned around and I am suddenly 84 years old! Now how the heck did that happen? My baby is actually 63 years old, that shocks me he was the cutest little boy, now he is very tall and he doesn't look his age. My baby is pretty cute still.
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Time feels slow to me or even stands still until one of my grandchildren comes to visit and looks like a different person...this one seems a foot taller, that one is wearing make up, another one "suddenly" has muscles or a nice figure, etc.
Time seems to be passing very quickly. My BFF and I always remark about how quickly Fridays roll around. Neither of us have jobs to go to so it's not a Thank God It's Friday type thing. What's funny is I used to keep track of Fridays when my husband was alive because Friday is Jumah (as Important as Sunday service for Christians). I always wanted to know where he was going for Jumah and it seemed Fridays came quickly then too. An article about why time seems to past faster as we age:
Consider what percentage a year is in your life at different stages of your life.

When you're five and your parents say you'll get a bike when you're six, it's FOREVER ..... 1/5 of your life!

When you're 15 and waiting to get your driver's license, one year is still forever, 1/15 of your life.

Waiting at 20 to turn into a genuine adult at 21? Almost forever. 1/20 of your life.

What's a year at 40, 50, 60? Seems to be going faster, doesn't it?

75? Whoosh! Where did that last year go?
