It's surprisingly easy to deceive people

I think hiding illness really depends on whay kind of a community you are in, or specifically, who you are with.

I've known people who are really sharp, notice all kinds of details that others do not. Like a medical person blurted out to me once, "You have a slight limp". Yes, yes I do. It showed up a lot back then because one knee was giving me a lot of trouble. It comes and goes now, that knee trouble. See a doctor? Why? All they can do is replace it. How fun. I'll wait on that surgery.

You cannot walk around telling everyone everything. Would be nice, I guess, if we lived and worked in communities that were that kumbaya and kind, a Giant Support Network of a town of city. But people are just not like that! In every 10 people, you're going to find at least one psycopath-type and if you're really unlucky, she is your boss, or you have married him.

And guess what quality about 22% of CEOs have? They tend to be on the psychopath side of personality types - very interested in themselves alone, very willing to destroy weaker opponents or those perceived to be weaker opponents. (My ex-spouse is like this.)

Profiling CEOs and Their Sociopathic Paychecks
When Your Boss Is a Psychopath

In your book, maybe the main character has people with psychopath traits all around her at work, so she justifiably does not trust them?

Doesn't trust have to be earned? Seriously - think about that. Doesn't it?
