It's Time to Re-visit the Art of the Cigar Box


Heroes Smoke Cigars​


"The astronauts from the early days of the space program remain legends to this day. The first American in outer space, Alan Shepard, loved cigars. As did the first man to walk on the moon, Neil Armstrong. As the Cold War gathered steam, they adhered to a strict code; no Cuban cigars. However, when John Glenn successfully completed the first Mercury orbital flight, he received his weight in Cuban cigars upon return".
@Gary O'
Zig-Zagging away from cigar boxes for a brief moment.....

"The most iconic rolling paper on earth, known for its slow burn and rolling ease. All Zig-Zag papers have a thin glue line to provide a perfect seal - every time. Derived from the sap of the African acacia tree, the natural properties of gum Arabic provide a consistent seal without impacting the taste of your smoke".


The case of the missing cigar

Winston Churchill, the obese, binge-drinking chain-smoker whose life was tragically cut short at the age of 90, has had his cigar airbrushed from the photo that hangs outside the Britain at War museum.


"So whodunnit? No one is owning up. Staff at the museum insist that they were unaware of the change and are not saying who handled the image".

Intriguingly the museum, which gives all profits to charity, declined to name who put together the display and, crucially, who enlarged the image for the poster.

"I trust they will find out and then name and shame the person responsible. Any modification of historical documents should be treated extremely seriously by a museum of all places. This kind of airbrushing is Orwellian and Stalinist in the literal sense (although it was the Nazis who first airbrushed a photo to remove smoking—in a poster of Stalin during the Nazi-Soviet pact). None of these are precedents to be followed and, regardless of context, altering the past is a line that should never be crossed".

The Stolen Cigar Case

by Bret Harte


"I found Hemlock Jones in the old Brook Street lodgings, musing before the fire. With the freedom of an old friend I at once threw myself in my usual familiar attitude at his feet, and gently caressed his boot. I was induced to do this for two reasons: one, that it enabled me to get a good look at his bent, concentrated face, and the other, that it seemed to indicate my reverence for his superhuman insight. So absorbed was he even then, in tracking some mysterious clue, that he did not seem to notice me. But therein I was wrong--as I always was in my attempt to understand that powerful intellect". (Continue)


"This guide will help you tell fake Cuban cigars from the real thing".

"One of the questions I’m often asked by other cigar smokers is, “How do I know if I bought a box of fake Cuban cigars?” It’s a good question because, even though on October 14, 2016, the U.S. Treasury Department announced that they had removed the limits on bringing Cuban cigars and rum into the United States from Cuba and other countries, there are still plenty of counterfeit Cuban cigars to be had – or to put it another way – to be duped". (Read More)