Meridian Tapping, similar to acupuncture, but no needles.


Vagabond Flowerchild
Northern Alabama
I read about this a year or so ago, started using it, had good results, and then just kind of forgot about it. I am going to start using this again, and wanted to share it here in case anyone else can use this, too.
Basically, meridian tapping, also called EFT (emotional freedom technique) is similar in effect to acupuncture, except it stimulates the nerve endings through tapping instead of by using needles like acupuncture does.

It is pretty simple to do, and there are a whole lot of great tutorial videos on Youtube, so all I am going to do is post one that kind of gives an overview of what EFT can help with.
The tutorials explain where the tapping points (face and hands mostly) are located, and then you just tap to stimulate these points, while describing verbally what the problem is.
It works with both physical and emotional pain, and you do not have to believe that it works for it to help, since it is a physical effect and not just mental conditioning.


Interesting HFL, makes sense. If you don't mind sharing, how long did you use this technique before seeing results? Were the results permanent, and where was the pain you were experiencing and where were you tapping?
I actually used it for back pain, and it helped, and I was also using it to help with losing weight (which is what I want to start doing again), and I used it when I was upset, too.
Usually, you get really fast results, but it will have to be repeated.
One time, we were on the way to the fitness center, and about half way there, the car started to overheat really badly. It was further to try and go back home than to the gym, so I drove the rest of the way with the heat gauge pegged on hot, and terrified that the engine would just seize up on me any second.
When we got there, we couldn’t look at the engine until it cooled down, so we went on into the fitness center to swim and exercise; but I was so stressed out that I couldn’t even swim and enjoy it.
Finally, I remembered the EFT, and went and stood in the corner of the pool, tapping myself and saying that the fear would go away, and everything would work out, or words to that effect.
As I tapped, I could feel the anxiety just drain right out of my body, and I immediately had a sense of peace, and that , no matter what, everything was going to work out okay, and then I was actually able to just swim and do my water exercises and not even worry about it.
I was amazed at how fast and how well just tapping on my face and hands could stop a panic attack.
It turned out that we just needed to add more water to the radiator; so going back home, we didn’t have an overheating problem, and the engine was still working fine, in spite of having been way too hot.

Here is a Mercola video with basic instructions about meridian tapping.


