Monopoly-it’s original purpose?

The idea of Play Money was irresistible.

Add dice, little ornaments, a board with paths and with words and colors...something to do, indoors on a rainy day......what could go wrong? :ROFLMAO:
Its original purpose, besides to market it,
might have been to encourage the learning and practice, of the skills of math and reading....

however, what ensued was generations of arguments....more than the average "game" it seemed.
Monopoly originally enabled powerless and impoverished Great Depression-weary Americans to fantasize about being monied robber barons and captains of industry. It became kind of an interactive financial fantasy game thereafter, a great way for a kid in my youth to idle away a hot summer afternoon with friends. There was a little bit of the Simpsons "Montgomery Burns" in us all, apparently. This was in an earlier, simpler time before video games, cell phones, and on-line social networking supplanted board games and in-person socialization... *sighs*
