Neat old photos

Country Store, Gatlinburg, TN, 1918

What is Magic Cement???

Magic Cement is a Glue, brewed at Potion Shops or the Tinker Camp. It is unlocked at level 27 and is used to construct buildings. Magic Cement is required for the Strictly Ornamental quest, and the construction and upgrading of several buildings.
Magic Cement is a Glue, brewed at Potion Shops or the Tinker Camp. It is unlocked at level 27 and is used to construct buildings. Magic Cement is required for the Strictly Ornamental quest, and the construction and upgrading of several buildings.
:saywhat: I was doing fine up through the word Glue. Pappy, are you OK? :joke:
Class in Pole-Climbing in a course for telephone electricians, with some of their instructors.

Vocational training for S.A.T.C. (Student Army Training Corps), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1918.

So this is me on the left my cousin in the middle and my sister on the right notice how I have NO Dolly, being the youngest and my sister has MY doll....LOL

I always thought these flatbed types of tow trucks were relatively new, like 30 years or so.


But no, this is a 1910 Studebaker electric tow truck

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