Need new jeans? Try crossover denim.

Reminds me of the young lady who deliverred groceries to me about week ago...her jeans were the kind where all cloth is cut out except the seams running up the leg, pant leg bottom seams and waist covvering down to the pockets...when I saw her I actually felt embarrased, I thought maybe I should offer her a blanket to cover up with.....LOL...:eek:
image #3 with the black and white-ish legs. What happens when you wash them? Do they go black and grey-ish?
Good question! :);)
I guess that no one here will be able to give a clear answer, as not many seem impressed enough to buy some. :LOL:

But perhaps, one might try hand-washing , very carefully, just one side at a time? :giggle::ROFLMAO:🙃
