Newbie - Just Retired


New Member
Greetings, everyone! I retired exactly three weeks ago and I think I need some help. I've made daily/weekly lists of all of the projects and chores I want to do. I made a good start at the beginning but now I'm feeling 'stuck.' I have all these things to do and don't want to do any of them. What's wrong with me? This has been an uncomfortable adjustment. I thought it was going to be so exciting, but now I'm not so happy. I went from waking up at 5 am every morning and putting in 10 to 12 hour days, to waking up whenever and doing nothing! Is this normal for a newbie?

Thank you, RadishRose. I appreciate the welcome and encouragement. Is this a common occurrence? By the way, are you from CT? I grew up there!

I agree, this is normal. After retiring a while ago I was having breakfast at an IHOP, and got in a conversation with another woman. She had just retired as well and asked “Did you lose all your work friends?” Yup.

You lose a lot when you retire, but you gain a lot as well. You actually can sit around if you’d like and plan your adjustment, Which is complicated by the virus. Get a notebook, make a list of what to get accomplished each day, even if it’s only one thing, and get to it.

In time you will learn a new routine. I work outside in the morning, watch tv, a lot of tv. Play my computer game when I have time. Take care of the dog. Text the children. Read. Talk to people here, go to store etc. I am really quite busy, lol.

Welcome to the group!
It's especially difficult because of the virus restrictions. As much as I need to be around people at this time (recently widowed), I'm afraid of catching that damn virus. I can't join anything or even go out to breakfast and chat with other people that are there. I'm just playing a waiting game until there is a vaccine and I can feel safer getting back into the world again.
But I've also been retired for about 10 years and you'll get into it. I kept with the same schedule as far as bed time and waking time as I did when I worked. I found a reason to get out of the house for a little while everyday. Started reading more and calling friends more. Work out a schedule for yourself that includes some form of exercising. You'll find your way into this new life a little bit at a time.;)

Welcome :)
Congratulations on your retirement and welcome! I retired around ten years ago and thought I'd have all my housework done, closets and everything neat as a pin, all yard work in order....but nope. I found that I had other things to do on a daily basis and never had so much idle time as to want to do everything I couldn't do in my years in the workplace. I have freedom to wake up early or sleep in, to do a little on any given day or a lot....I go with the flow and love my retirement years.

Hi tchrmgr welcome glad you found us,you'll meet some wonderful people here at SF from around the world
Yes,it will take some time for you to adjust to your 'new life'
When I retired in 2011,it took me 6-8 months not to wake up at 5:30 the 3 days I had to be at work
There is a 'retirement thread' here at SF,you should ck it out, read what others have done
Enjoy yourself here
Sue in Buffalo,NY
Welcome tchrmgr! Shortly before my retirement, a wise friend who had retired a number of years earlier told me to expect it to take at least a year to adjust to my new situation. He was correct.
Wow! Thanks, everyone! Your kindness and advice is much appreciated! I'm thinking of documenting my journey in a blog. What do you think?
that sounds like a great idea, i thought about doing that when i retired, 10 years ago and now i still which i had. go for it....
from London.... ..I can identify with your feelings, I took early retirement 2 years ago... thought I'd be able to do everything I couldn't do while working 10 hour days.. but nope, with one thing and another I never did do those things, just really starting to catch up now....although my garden looks beautiful :LOL:... I think your body goes into a kind of state of shock for a while..mentally and physically. Good idea about the blog..
