Our version of retirement: Living a childhood dream

I'm sure the local wildlife will appreciate it too!

IMO providing them a permanent natural oasis is much better than setting up a feeding station.
Yeah, I get that

We'll see

Saw three black tails bedded down right outside our fence
There's a little thicket of trees and brush they seem to call home

Our back yard may become their 7-11

I may need a silencer

Have you thought of doing espalier of fruit trees along the fence?

When hubby first retired,we traveled to see Longwood Gardens which was owned by the DuPont family.
Thought that estate was interesting ,, traveled to Delaware where DuPont had a gun powder manufacturer .

As we toured the gardens , was impressed that original map of the vegetable gardens had been found .
Around them were fruit trees, espalier style.
Rattlesnake Pole Beans

"Pole beans are one of those vegetables that put out a tremendous amount of nutritious food in an exceedingly small amount of space. A big plus is that I just almost never see disease or insect damage and the birds leave them alone. They are just incredibly easy to grow".

Takes a lot less space than bush beans as they grow vertical.

"Indians grew them together with squash and corn, "the three sisters". The beans fix nitrogen in the soil and climb the corn, the corn gets nitrogen from the beans, and the squash provides ground shade which conserves moisture and chokes out weeds".
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Question from PA.
Who owes the fence?
Cemetery or you?
We own it
Find out how cemetery is maintained,
Weed whacker may be used to trim around fence or headstones.
They mow and trim

Haven't seen 'em get close to our fence

The cemetery is a relic, a pioneer thing
Folks there have been pushin' up daisies for a very very long time
Today was finish the screen door day

It's not that usual for me to be completely satisfied with a project

Today was wunna those rare days

Very happy with the screen door

Bought the heavy duty screen to keep the blessed little grandevils from kicking it in or tearing it this summer

screen door.jpg

screen door.jpg 3.jpg

screen door.jpg 2.jpg

Thing is, the back door now looks better than the front door
A snow day
No working outside, and I need lumber to make a picnic table

The truck isn't 4WD, sooooooo, I stayed home and decided to frame some pics from the cabin
to hang in the shop
A little something to remember

I didn't have straight enough limbs to rip like in this pic;


So, I used the cedar fence boards
Rip to width
add some 45s
And highlighted the grain with a darker stain
Then roughed the edges

Turned out OK




