Pizza by Design

Did you actually get/make a pizza oven? Would love to hear your experience with it! I dithered for several years but decided against one for a few reasons.

1. We've already got the indoor pizza rhythm down to a science.

2. Our biggest parties tend to be indoors over the holidays. So even if I stretched and dressed them inside, I'd be wrangling pizzas outdoors and trying to get them in the house before they cooled off.

3. The weather here tends to be breezy and often downright windy. Not a good match for wood fed outdoor ovens.

4. With my indoor gas oven at 550° and pizza stones blazing hot, a pizza is perfectly cooked in 8 minutes. It takes me 6-8 minutes to stretch my dough and dress a pizza. (Once I put them in the oven, DH takes over. He sets a timer and spins them 90° every two minutes.)
