Probably yet another senior who doesn't feel senior (most of the time)

What happened?

Internet forums can be a rough and tumble place where it's sometimes best to step away if the posts are getting to you and that's what asp3 seems to have done. Having stated it's no longer fun, I suspect his leaving is the result of some "bite and get bitten in return" scenarios that can evolve out of impassioned posts or responses. One way to avoid that is to never post or reply in the heat of the moment without thinking things thru carefully and then only after you've cooled down. We certainly hope asp3 comes back.
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asp3, I recently considered leaving because I was pretty sure I'd get responses to a post of about an issue I'd said that they would challenge. The responses were carefully worded, which I appreciated, but evidently were actually subtle challenges to prove my view. zzzzz
