Rapid heart rate


New Member
My heart rate has always been on the high side, but for the past year or so it easily goes up to the 130s or higher, after walking up a short flight of stairs, etc.
With strenuous activity, 160s, and I start to feel bad.
I am 65, thin, blood work is all good. I have normal EKG's.
At my physical my doctor said, "well, you're 65 now, your heart is not in good shape."
Does that strike anyone else as odd?
Your heart suddenly is in bad shape according to your birthday?!

I've been going to the gym frequently or walk in my neighborhood. My heart rate goes up, but I tolerate it ok.
I am on medication that can cause tachycardia, but had it before starting meds too.
Should I insist on a cardiology referral?
