Sibling disagreements

Visiting family for 6 days and have learned that there are bad feelings between my brothers because of a disagreement between one brother and the sister in law(other brother's wife). Don't want to take sides and don't want to miss visiting with all involved. How do you suggest that I deal with this??

Families are mine fields, and nobody knows what sets them off. My advice, funsearcher!, is to smile, and don't open your mouth. Listen to your family, but don't take sides, and never give your opinion about others. If you can't say it before everybody in the family, don't say it. And from bitter experience, don't try to be the mediator. It's just not worth it, you will be dragged into this.
BTW. I haven't spoken to my ex sister in law in 20 +years. To be honest I don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing.
for some reason I am not aware,my baby brother has refused to communicate with me after numerous attempts to make contact. My sil when we were all gathered together in greeting would hug my mom, step dad, brother but never me, dunno why.
My older brother turned against the entire family because his wife didn't need us in their lives after they moved to another state. The only thing that hurt was that they turned against our parents also after all my parents did for them.
