Toys you played with as a kid

@hollydolly I had grey skates like yours, not as colorful but they used a skate key and I'd skate over the slate sidewalk. I can still hear the way they sounded going over slate.

I remember a doll you pulled the hair on from a hole in the top of the head. Maybe it was Tressy. I never had that one.
My roller skates were plan grey. That didn’t have the top part. They snapped onto the shoes and you tightened them up with a key
Lincoln Logs

Never saw these before. That looks like loads of fun. Was it something , like leggos you could add pieces to. Did you have a brother or sister to play with?

Never saw these before. That looks like loads of fun. Was it something , like leggos you could add pieces to. Did you have a brother or sister to play with?

There were lots of pieces in a big canister and my sister and I played with them. I loved Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House book series which inspired a lot of my creations.

Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, dolls, dollhouses, Slinkies, boomerangs that never boomeranged but we never gave up hope, bicycles, skateboards, pogo sticks.

I took my pogo stick to college with me and had a great time pogo-ing up and down the sidewalk in front of the dorm. I'd love to try one again but I'd either sproing the spring OR I'd break every bone in my body.....
Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, dolls, dollhouses, Slinkies, boomerangs that never boomeranged but we never gave up hope, bicycles, skateboards, pogo sticks.

I took my pogo stick to college with me and had a great time pogo-ing up and down the sidewalk in front of the dorm. I'd love to try one again but I'd either sproing the spring OR I'd break every bone in my body.....
I bet you wouldn't break more than a few bones. ...might be worth it. :p

All 7 of my Murr cousins had pogo sticks. Looked funny as hell when they were all hopping around on 'em at the same time.
We didn't get many toys as children, but of course we played with all our friends toys....1960's..


my sister below me and I both got scooters one year from our Granny..


Then I was given a second hand Tressy doll.. from my friend. The thing about Tressy which was different to Barbie was that her Hair Grew... well my friend gave me the doll because the mechanism had stopped working and the hair no longer grew... but I loved that doll.. I made so many clothes for her.. she was really the only toy I owned... for years
I'm pretty sure I had Tressy. You pulled a pony tail out of her head to give her long hair?
I didn't have many toys when I was a kid, but I grew up on a dairy, so I had a lot of chores. Certain chores before school and certain chores after school.

But some of the chores were really fun. I loved feeding the baby goats and helping to round up the mother cows so they could feed their calves and check the piglets for parasites and various piglet illnesses. Getting milk from the milk-barn vat was my favorite early morning job when I was in kindergarten.

We played in the evenings. Me and my brothers had a lot of Tonka trucks and I had Lincoln logs and a scooter (motorless). We each had our own kites and BB guns and boxing gloves, and we went fishing almost every Saturday.

I just realized how Opie Taylor that sounds. :oops:
I'd like to send you a Magic 8 ball Murrmurr. You'd love it. 😁
We didn't get many toys as children, but of course we played with all our friends toys....1960's..


my sister below me and I both got scooters one year from our Granny..


Then I was given a second hand Tressy doll.. from my friend. The thing about Tressy which was different to Barbie was that her Hair Grew... well my friend gave me the doll because the mechanism had stopped working and the hair no longer grew... but I loved that doll.. I made so many clothes for her.. she was really the only toy I owned... for years
I'd love to have sent you an Easy Bake Oven when you were a child.
