What do women really want?

Bella said:
Thank the Lord for small favors. 😆😉

Actually, these four-legged lawn mowers have gotten a bad rap, and I don't mind sharing the categorization.
They are known as the philosophers of the equine world. While they may have been misunderstood by handlers with a lesser intellect, in the right hands, they are strong, long-suffering, hard-working, lovable and fascinating creatures who form strong bonds.

They have surprising reasoning abilities and must be shown not just how to do something, but why they should do it. Forcing them or bullying them into doing something will trigger that famous splay-footed, sitting-back, and resisting posture so often associated with them. However, true donkey whisperers know to patiently let them make their own decision about readiness to proceed. Eventually, the ever-curious, surprisingly affectionate donkey will willingly take on the task.

Pound for pound, they are fighting machines when it comes to self-preservation and the safety of the herd—so much so that they're commonly found in cattle or sheep pastures as guardians. That being said, when you get to know one and bond with him, they can make fantastic companions.

I won't comment on their, (ahem) .... gifted anatomy.