What is the secret to happiness?


Senior Member
Besides an unlimited supply of toffee honeycomb yoghurt? šŸ˜„

Not expecting happiness .

If I take happiness to mean career success, lots of excitement and joy and the ideal partner.
Then when these things occur, just treating it as a bonus. A blessing.

The secret to happiness is living in the now. No one has ever lived in the past nor will ever live in the future.

There is only now; that is all you ever have. So make the best of it. The ego isn't always your best friend. Not an easy lesson to learn; I'm always reminding myself of that. The real "I" is the observer of your thoughts. And the little fake "I" wants to always take over and be boss.
It's too late for my professional career to be made happy. It was mostly always that way. But what makes me happy once in a while is to have an occasional good thing happen to me, a compliment perhaps, a conversation maybe, a piece of toast made from good bread, or a smile
from across the room. Pleasant communication with good people tends to spark my happy burner or sometime a spot of color on a dull day. It's the little things that make me happy.
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I have experienced elated happiness and times of misery. somehow I surmise the best and the worst is yet to come. I have been blessed , but I was not prepared for growing old. I was born with a shit eating grin on my face and when I was unhappy no one was aware because I was always smiling and acting happy. When I seriously think about it my secret is I was always so busy that I did not have time to be unhappy.
