What you wouldn't eat

Pasta ~ to many cabs
Bitter melon
I could go on and on potted ~ meats etc

I could make sushi believers out of many of you, I'm sure. My sushi contains no animal products, and I flavor my rice with bbq sauce and sweet and sour sauce, sometimes adding a little saki. I then fill with cucumber, carrot, avocado and asparagus, or any other veggies that strike my fancy. I use soy paper more often than nori, which keeps the fishy flavor away, completely.

Gary, there is an excellent vegan sour cream out there. It's by Tofutti. Check it out.

Ah, humus, the decomposed, organic components of soil. Yes, I draw the line at eating dirt, as well.

OTOH, I just bought some garbanzo beans to make hummus. I put kalamata olives and artichoke hearts in my hummus. Great stuff, rolled up in a few tortillas, with stir fried veggies!
Pasta ~ to many cabs
Bitter melon
I could go on and on potted ~ meats etc
I wasn't aware that pasta was given out to taxi drivers, and/or their passengers. I drove taxis, in Chicago, for four years, to make it through college. I never got the "spaghetti through the window" service, in my time. Darn!
I enjoy eating almost anything. I've never had a taste for asparagus or turnips, and I would Never eat any Sushi or any raw seafood...given all the pollutants in the oceans or the unsanitary conditions in the global "fish farms". If it were possible to do so, I could live on chocolate....cookies, ice cream, etc.

I average at least a can of sardines a day. Sometimes two or three.

"Sardines are rich in numerous nutrients that have been found to support cardiovascular health. They are one of the most concentrated sources of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have been found to lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels; one serving (3.25 ounce can) of sardines actually contains over 50% of the daily value for these important nutrients. Sardines are an excellent source of vitamin B12, ranking as one of the World's Healthiest Food most concentrated in this nutrient. Vitamin B12 promotes cardiovascular well-being since it is intricately tied to keeping levels of homocysteine in balance; homocysteine can damage artery walls, with elevated levels being a risk factor for atherosclerosis.

Promote Bone Health

Sardines are not only a rich source of bone-building vitamin D, a nutrient not so readily available in the diet and one that is most often associated with fortified dairy products. Vitamin D plays an essential role in bone health since it helps to increase the absorption of calcium. Sardines are also a very good source of phosphorus, a mineral that is important to strengthening the bone matrix. Additionally, as high levels of homocysteine are related to osteoporosis, sardines' vitamin B12 rounds out their repertoire of nutrients that support bone health.

Promote Optimal Health

For many years, researchers have known that vitamin D, in the form of calcitriol, participates in the regulation of cell activity. Because cell cycles play such a key role in the development of cancer, optimal vitamin D intake may turn out to play an important role in the prevention of various types of cancer.

Packed with Protein

Sardines are rich in protein, which provides us with amino acids. Our bodies use amino acids to create new proteins, which serve as the basis for most of the body's cells and structures. Proteins form the basis of muscles and connective tissues, antibodies that keep our immune system strong, and transport proteins that deliver oxygen and nutrients throughout our bodies."

chipped beef on toast
raw oyster
biscuits and gravy
hot peppers

A friend talked me into eating biscuits and gravy, after trying for years & me refusing. I should have kept refusing.
He drove me to a truck stop café & I finally said, "OK." I figured, "how bad could it be?" I didn't know what the gravy consisted of.
After a few bites, I said, "OK, I tried it & I don't like it."

Within an hour, I was sick. It felt like I swallowed bricks & they weren't moving. I almost went to the E.R. but I was fine by the next day.
I am a very picky eater, can’t stand eggs, liver, fish, mayonnaise and the list goes on and on. Like Garfield though I love lasagna!
