Wishing You A Doo Wop Christmas!

Meanderer, you really hit me where I live with this thread. Years ago, my late Son bought a cassette tape called "Doo Wop Gold". It was a collection of groups nobody ever heard of and was the worst agglomeration of the genre possible. It simply couldn't be listened to. My Son decided it would be funny to give it to dear old Dad for Christmas and we shared a good laugh.

Of course, next Christmas Dad gifted it back to Son and this exchange went on for years. Finally my Son said "enough". He poured us each a dram of single malt and we went outside to where his truck was parked. He placed "Doo Wop Gold" under a rear wheel and proceeded to drive back and forth over it until it was quite destroyed. We then drank to its demise and threw the tape in the garbage.

We still talked about the tape every Christmas and before he died, he actually tried to find a copy on ebay. It's one of my best memories of him.
