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Word of the Day: Kapusta

Kapusta (noun) - a dish originating in Poland consisting of braised cabbage or sauerkraut. There are many variations to the recipe in the addition of meats, spices and other ingredients.

I live in a community that has a large Polish population and the locals make kapusta with sauerkraut and diced pork.


You're really bring me back with this...my Ukrainian grandmother used to make a cabbage soup she called kapusta, mostly cabbage but with some diced meat (whatever she had on hand) and spices...I remember how delicious and satisfying it was on a cold winter day...

You're really bring me back with this...my Ukrainian grandmother used to make a cabbage soup she called kapusta, mostly cabbage but with some diced meat (whatever she had on hand) and spices...I remember how delicious and satisfying it was on a cold winter day...
I've been planning for a day in which I feel like turning-out a pot of my Kapusniak, and I'll take a couple of pictures of the end result and post them just to make you salivate, Autumn! LOL! :)

From start to finish, it's roughly a 6 hour job to make the borscht I make. Big job, but so worth it.
My Mom was Slovak and she frequently made cabbage rolls, but never made kapusta. I would never eat kapusta at my age because it has sauerkraut AND cabbage. I'd be sitting on the pot the whole next day!
I am of Slovak descent and just love kapusta and many other cabbage dishes but like Ruby I have to watch I don't eat too much or I'll be preoccupied with the bathroom ;)
