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Word of the Day: Sanctimonious

I wish I hadn't met as many sanctimonious people as I have but that's life for you and often they don't even realize how they are so.

The sanctimonious are not only morally superior, they're financially superior and don't mind letting all of us who are, um, less fortunate, know it. Less fortunate, of course, depends upon interpretation.

The sanctimonious among us do a lot of brag-plaining and lots of "Guess what I got/where I'm going/what I did" complete with photos of pricey items/trips/events and sometimes bold mention of the actual cost.

Try to cut the sanctimonious some slack because they're probably so used to being overprivileged, self-absorbed, patronizing, self-righteous and smug that they're clueless or just plain tone deaf or both.
There are many sanctimonious hypocrites around, people who go to church every week but do nothing to help others.
