Words that are Seldom Used Today!

Using Blimey at my Catholic school in the 1950's would get you into serious trouble. Blimey is a euphemism (specifically a minced oath) derived from 'God blind me'.

Blimey is first recorded in print in Barrère and Leland's A dictionary of slang, jargon and cant, 1889. The extended version was used, by Arthur Morrison in A Child of the Jago, 1896: "Gawblimy, not what!"

It's probably why strewth became so commonly used as an alternative. Blimey & strewth are both a way of expressing surprise or adding emphasis.
Never heard of strewth before so I looked it up. Apparently it's a contraction of "God's truth."
Thanks for the explanation of Blimey - I had no idea.
