What have you bought recently?


Yesterday I tried to buy inexpensive curtains or a drape for one narrow, long window at the end of my hallway. Need only one panel. I'm done with blinds!
Every window in my house has blinds and I detest the ridiculous amount of time it takes to clean them. So I rarely bother.

Unfortunately, in my house's case, they're necessary to help block out summer heat and possible prying eyes. To steal from Winston Churchill's rather famous line: Blinds are the worst form of window covering - except for the others I've tried.

I love my blinds. They’re top down/bottom up. When we want privacy in the daytime and want light in, we just lower them half way so no one can see in. We have them on all the main level windows. Not needed in the basement.

That’s and example from Home Depot.


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That's very interesting. I never knew that about Amazon. You've given me food for thought !
That's just another reason I don't use Amazon. My friend worked there for awhile and they worked the mess out of him. The main reason is the prices. I always find the same things cheaper by just going to a companies reputable website.
Wandered over to the Asian store today - they had big, beautiful peppers on sale for 99¢/lb. Yellow, orange and red. I bought 4 of each. Put some in a salad that I'd made for future eats, and chunk-cut the rest up, towel dried them and laid them out in the freezer in Ziplocs. I'll combine them into one large freezer bag tomorrow. Might use them for sausage, peppers and onions (vegan sausage) soon!

Also got half a dozen onions for 49¢/lb - which used to be a meh price but is now a serious bargain. I'll chop and freeze those over the weekend.
Something I bought a few weeks ago but am just now trying. A hose nozzle from Lowes. I never thought I could love a hose nozzle so much!
I've always had the ones where the whole nozzle turns to adjust the spray and turn on and off. Ok basic.
However, THIS model adjusts the spray one handed with your thumb very easily and has several different spray functions that are designated in writing. The mist function is perfect for watering the pots.
I love, love, love it!
I've told you....small blessings make me happy!
I love my blinds. They’re top down/bottom up. When we want privacy in the daytime and want light in, we just lower them half way so no one can see in. We have them on all the main level windows. Not needed in the basement.

That’s and example from Home Depot.
Ooh, I like those! My blinds are all pretty old fashioned.
I bought my annual purchase of Orthofeet shoes yesterday -on line, but the style I wanted was not available, so I got something a little more expensive.

They had been $160 but there was a sale and they took off 20 bucks. These are the new types of shoes that are hands free-you just have to tighten the shoe laces once.
Rosel Hands-Free Boots - Black

They have a great exchange policy if I don't like them but I have been satisfied with Orthofeet shoes for many years.

They hold custom orthotics very well and give great relief to all types of foot problems. You feel like you are walking on a cloud.

I buy cheaper winter boots, however, and the best boots I ever had was a new pair of combat boots my daughter gave to me, because her 6 year commitment to the military was almost up.

Then 9-11 happened and she re -upped for another year and asked me to send her the boots back.

The type of winter boots I buy ,are very much like combat boots, and last usually 2-3 years.
DD and I detoured on my way home from work this morning. Can you imagine that we were driving home, and DD's car had a mind of its own and took us to the garden center instead of home? :D

$74 and change later...

All the plants are in the ground. They look happy so far.

Not to worry. We won't be going back before Thursday. I have a grand total of $25 left in my checking account! Flowers are a priority, yanno?

And at this rate so early in summer, I'll be working until Zeptuber 32, 2055.
It's my birthday in a couple of days..so in recent times I buy myself a small gift....

I've just bought a new Turkish Towel.. in Aqua stripes. I've been meaning to try Turkish/Egyptian towels for a while they're supposed to be very absorbent.but of course I can't buy more until I know how good or bad they are..

I also just bought, a new Pill/capsule holder...

I've got a really good one.. good manageable size, but it only has 4 sections which means I have to have bottles separate to it as well.. I finally found one that is 7 sections.. which means I can get all my vitamins in the one pill holder.

After a quick run-in/run-out trip to the garden center for portulaca, my cash reserves? Um. There's a $5 bill left in my wallet! But I had to have them. Had to. They're filling in a couple of bare spots in the almost-done section of the garden. I like them because they grow fast and spread and provide lots of color. I don't like the part where they left me financially embarrassed. Had to spend the cash because there's only $25 left in the checking account after yesterday's Adventure in Flowers.
