Are You Doing Any Exercise for Fitness?


Endlessly Groovin'
I go on a walk daily with my dog, around 2 miles in the park. I just started going to the gym again, after slacking off for a couple of months. I don't get too intense there, just some time on the weight machines, exercise bikes, elliptical or treadmill. Sometimes I'll squeeze in a Zumba or other exercise class. I only go a few times a week, and usually out of there in around an hour. :eek:nthego:

I give you credit SB. I take it your dog takes you for a walk? I try not to run, unless I am being chased. I work on home repair inside and out, and keep active by keeping busy. Every time I see a treadmill, I think of a gerbil on a wheel! You're on the right track, Keep it up! :)
Also walking and bending my elbow sitting @ the bar.

Lol Falcon! :cheers:

All I'm doing at this time is 30 minutes a day on the treadmill. I stay indoors in the summer during the day. I just can't take the heat

That's great Sharon, having a treadmill at home would be handy. We don't have the room for one, and I don't want to pay that much money for something, then not use it. I've already trashed little exercise gizmos I bought from watching TV, like the AbRoller, EZCrunch, etc. ;)

I try not to run, unless I am being chased. I work on home repair inside and out, and keep active by keeping busy. Every time I see a treadmill, I think of a gerbil on a wheel! You're on the right track, Keep it up! :)

Well, it helps that they have little TVs on their treadmills, not too gerbil-like. :p I don't run either, don't have knee trouble now, and don't want any in the future. Brisk walking is good 'nuff! You're right, home repair or maintenance will also keep you in shape.
Humans are the only animal that exercises and in they are the most obese. Something is wrong with exercising maybe the wild animals don't want to become obese.
Doug, most animals move about all the time and stay active naturally, also they don't eat food with all the additives and fillers in it that we sometimes do...unless of course, we feed it to them. You're not saying that obesity is the result of exercise, are you?
Doug, most animals move about all the time and stay active naturally, also they don't eat food with all the additives and fillers in it that we sometimes do...unless of course, we feed it to them. You're not saying that obesity is the result of exercise, are you?
No I am not saying that exercise cause obesity but exercise is not solving the obesity. You are right about food additives some like MSG are appetite stimulator. Animals in the wild move because they need to move to get food or water. The whole idea of eat less and exercise has not been working because as long as we have been following that the population is getting more obese. If you ask a veterinarian how to fatten an animal he will tell you stop giving minerals and give more calories. The reason is if they have sufficient minerals they are not hungry but if they are mineral deficient they will eat and eat.
I have been paying attention to all of you about exercising, but I'm having a problem. I have spinal stenosis which puts me in a wheelchair 2 or 3 days in a row. Every time I exercise my spin swells up, and the next day I can barely turn or move without the pain getting to the point of having to take pain pills. It is 2 or 3 days before I can get out of my wheelchair, and try again. Is there anyway can I exercise without this occurring? I have even tried a swimming pool, but I have the same results. :tapfoot:
I have been paying attention to all of you about exercising, but I'm having a problem. I have spinal stenosis which puts me in a wheelchair 2 or 3 days in a row. Every time I exercise my spin swells up, and the next day I can barely turn or move without the pain getting to the point of having to take pain pills. It is 2 or 3 days before I can get out of my wheelchair, and try again. Is there anyway can I exercise without this occurring? I have even tried a swimming pool, but I have the same results. :tapfoot:

Ina, I recall a program on PBS station called "Sit and Be Fit". I'm not sure if it would be a help to you?
This is an interesting topic.

I tried to exercise, but soon realise4d that I was too Lazy
for regular strenuous movement, so I bought a Lateral - Thigh
Trainer, it is not very big and you don't have to push too hard.

Here is a short video that show how to start "SLOWLY"

Earlier this year I was asked to take part in a Project being run
by two of the larger Hospitals in London, they recommend lots
of walking, eating fruit especially at breakfast and also modifying
your diet. One modification that I have made is using unsalted
butter rather than salted, lots of pulses and vegetables and
drinking more water, it works, I have lost 1 kilo in weight over
a period of six weeks, 1 Kilo = 2.2 pounds, it isn't much I know,
but it seemed to happen without any exercise other than walking.

I am not a health nut or a fitness fanatic. I don't now, nor have I ever exercised. I purchase food from the grocery shelf I want to eat. I don't shop for organic, low sodium, low fat, all natural foods. I don't avoid additives. I don't avoid MSG.

I feel my health for my age is average. I'm 5 feet 4 inches. My weight never fluctuates. I was 120 pounds when I was 18 years old. I weigh the same today. I have never dieted. I just eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full, even if there's still food on my plate. I have never been one to eat food just because it looks appealing. I eat whatever I'm in the mood for. Could be sweet, salty, greasy, meaty, creamy, savory... whatever, I don't have restrictions in my diet. I rarely eat out. I think fast food tastes horrible. I prefer to make my meals at home from scratch, because I enjoy cooking. Occasionally I open a canned soup instead of making a pot of soup from scratch. This morning I woke up and felt like making raisin tea biscuits with a yeast dough. My morning was busy with that project. I hate exercising. You won't see me lifting weights, doing push ups, jogging, and you'll never find me at the gym or on a treadmill.
