Anybody agile, or ever been?

Did 100 this morning and all good deep ones. A new record for me, I've been working on this for a while.

Funny thing is it doesn't make me feel any more agile or flexible. It does help with the arthritis in my knees, that is why I do it.
The important thing is to keep moving, if health sets limits as it does for some in our age range, talk to a doc or physical therapist or use your own common sense to figure out what you can still do and find ways to work around those limits.

The fact that my left hip bothers most when i've sat still for a long stretch just reinforces the notion that movement helps us retain less painful mobility than sitting still does. Not that everyone doesn't need 'rest' too, but finding a balance is beneficial. One of the things about the deep winter here is that i'm up more often with the fire both day and night--where in summer if i'm not working on an outdoor project i'll settle in with a book and get 'lost' in it for hours--when i get i get up creak/groan like the doors to my 160 yr old house.

Gary, what a great frivolous thread, so entertaining. My missus and I, being lifelong dancers, have always had that agility. When her father passed away she was beside herself with grief. Once the initial shock of our loss diminished I took her on a short break to her beloved Scotland. We had a wonderful night in The Old Fruit Market in Glasgow. It was a vintage inspired burlesque show, nothing crude and nude, more vaudeville and enjoyable, somewhere that doesn't make anyone feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

The stage show ended around ten pm, from then until two am, DJ's played music from the era that the show was based on. My wife and I, being the dancers that we were, rocked our socks off. It didn't go unnoticed. To save you looking it up, here's what one observer said about a couple of geriatrics who were still agile enough to jive their socks off. I have left all the spelling and grammatical mistakes, they add a streak of humour.

Old Folk Dancing Like They Were Young Again​

High Tease & Vegas 4th of July special, a mix of big band and burlesque and the crowd is mixed. Dress is not strictly enforced, but a lot of people have made the effort. Once the show part of the evening has finished the back of 10, the DJs start playing music, while a couple of showgirls take turns dancing on stage with their feathers and sequins. The audience is very mixed, covering the age spectrum, but there is this one couple, this old couple, who look like they were probably dancing like this when it was first invented and are still dancing like that. There are young couples standing with their jaws dropping, at various stages of the night there are girls lining up with the old woman carefully trying to follow every step that she makes, while boyfriends cheer them on. She is in a vintage dress, looks like it was new in the 40’s, he is wearing a suit of similar kind of style, baggy, long at the back, his shows black, with the white spats. They swing and they turn, touching the floor, spinning round, twisting, the works. The audience applaud, though at the point he lifts her, practically to head height, and swings her full circle, before returning her to the ground, gets the biggest response. The crowd watch, expecting the worst, these are two people who are getting on, some of us will feel sore in the morning, so god knows how they will feel, but they do it, and they put us all to shame with their vigour.
I'm not double jointed or was ever involved with any formal dancing or athletics. I always liked to dance, and I loved Jazzercise and Zumba back in the day, also did martial arts for a short time.

After I quit smoking I started to jog daily to help me quit and keep the weight gain limited. I still take long walks in town and out in nature, can touch my toes and just tried a squat.....did a half squat and came back up, I can't get up from a squat or the floor anymore without pushing myself up off the floor or holding onto something.

Can put on my pants and shoes while standing, but usually just sit. Definitely slowing down with age, guess I really started to feel the changes when I turned 60. I do a lot of work in the house and yard, but everything takes more time, more breaks and I try not to overdo and mess myself up, always watch my back. So far so good with hips and joints, knock on wood. :)

I'm impressed by anyone who can bend over backwards and touch their palms to the floor, at any age.
Not too agile. I was push mowing this piece behind my garage---there's my garage, then this steep incline into the neighbor's yard. I do a dumb thing when I mow, I tie the safety to the handle because I'm too lazy to keep restarting the mower every time I have to walk away to pick up sticks or rocks in front of it. Well I lost my footing this time and fell while trying to regain my balance. The running mower didn't stop, it rolled backward toward me. I guess that's why they added a safety feature. Clumsy people like me figure it will never happen to us. Anyway, I was able to stop it before rolled over me, just sayin', not that nimble anymore.
Not too agile. I was push mowing this piece behind my garage---there's my garage, then this steep incline into the neighbor's yard. I do a dumb thing when I mow, I tie the safety to the handle because I'm too lazy to keep restarting the mower every time I have to walk away to pick up sticks or rocks in front of it. Well I lost my footing this time and fell while trying to regain my balance. The running mower didn't stop, it rolled backward toward me. I guess that's why they added a safety feature. Clumsy people like me figure it will never happen to us. Anyway, I was able to stop it before rolled over me, just sayin', not that nimble anymore.
Glad you're okay!
Can any of you sit cross legged? I
Not this way
No way
A guy can ruin things;

cross legs 2.jpg

Only this way, or not at all;

cross legs 3.jpg

I once sat down on a wooden bench in the library lobby, waiting for my woman to thumb thru every freaking book they had.

Sat square on wunna the boys

Sprang straight up.......screaming expletives

Wife sez to the librarian 'don't mind him, he's just pissed he has to wait for me'

Anyway, gotta be careful how I sit, let alone cross my legs
