Reports that this will be a tough allergy season

Out here in the middle of huge forest fire country all around us, smoke and dust causing problems both in people who already have allergies & those who never did. ,
I have hay fever and it's been so dry and windy by me, I've been sneezing a lot and my eyes have been itching. I'm taking the Walgreen's version of Chlor-Trimeton some days, have that new Xyzal that you take at night, but it doesn't do much but make you drowsy.
I heard both on local and national news the reports are this year will bring a tough allergy season. I have had a tough time, as have several friends

Tough allergy season
Maybe that's the trouble here. Most often I don't have allergies, but every so often an exposure of a cold or something that my sinus can't handle. This time I don't feel like I have a cold, but a sinus problem that tries to turn into a postnasal drip. If I can keep the drip from happening, I'll be okay. Otherwise, once a drip the situation turns scary. Any suggestions?
Folk Medicine. For thousands of years people used natural occurring remedies successfully before there were any toxic drugs. Find out what worked , costs little, and has no harmful effects.
Yes, I've been using sea salt water and staying settled. If I start pushing too hard the drip starts happening and that scares me. A few years ago the congestion went into my chest, so I learned my lesson about running to hard when not feeling well. This time I'm trying not to make that mistake. Ginger beer, not alcoholic, seems to work on the nasal drip part. A few months after my dad passed away, I came down with the shingles. The pain was unbelievably bad. Once overcoming the shingles and feeling run down, I developed the sinus problem. Also, I'm learning this time how much emotional affects physical. Any emotional upset slows down the process.
Around here, the tree pollen is really high this year. There has been limited rainfall this past month, and there is a fine layer of "dust" on everything outdoors. I usually don't have any allergy issues, but I find my eyes watering excessively when working outdoors....such that I have been carrying a couple of Kleenexes with me when mowing, etc.
I've had horrible allergies this year; my nose runs like mad. (I've always wondered why your nose runs and your feet smell.....shouldn't it be the other way?)

I've started taking a spoonful of local honey every day to see if it helps. It's a homeopathic remedy. It has to be local honey because it has local allergens in it. The theory is that your body will build up a tolerance to the allergens.

Who knows? I enjoy the honey. It's from my son-in-law's apiary; he produces four kinds. Brazilian Pepper honey is my favorite. He also has Sourwood, Palmetto and Orange Blossom, all delicious.
I've started taking a spoonful of local honey every day to see if it helps. It's a homeopathic remedy. It has to be local honey because it has local allergens in it. The theory is that your body will build up a tolerance to the allergens.
Forty years ago I heard the same story - that it should be "local" honey, but found from experience of myself and thousands of others that it does not have to be. Raw unpasteurized honey is best, no matter where it comes from, and also a spoonful, in a glass of distilled water, of apple cider vinegar, unpasteurized unfiltered unhomogenized works quickly with a lot of beneficial helpful 'side' effects.
I had horrible allergies growing up but I was always the outside girl. The doc said I would grow out of it and I have, all but the cat allergy! I would love to be rid of that one as well because I love cats.
Forty years ago I heard the same story - that it should be "local" honey, but found from experience of myself and thousands of others that it does not have to be. Raw unpasteurized honey is best, no matter where it comes from, and also a spoonful, in a glass of distilled water, of apple cider vinegar, unpasteurized unfiltered unhomogenized works quickly with a lot of beneficial helpful 'side' effects.
I bought a bottle of apple cider and starting treatment today. Thanks so much! I was having panic, and you showed up like a blessing.
My allergies began in March this year. I went to the doctor and he prescribed Prednisone. That didn't work. So we called the pharmacist. He said to use Clariton and Flonaise. I did that for a week with no results. I am beginning to think this is going to last a long time, and I m getting very tired of it.
My allergies began in March this year. I went to the doctor and he prescribed Prednisone. That didn't work. So we called the pharmacist. He said to use Clariton and Flonaise. I did that for a week with no results. I am beginning to think this is going to last a long time, and I m getting very tired of it.
Sorry to hear this. Have you tried a Neti-Pot?


This would flush pollens/irritants from your nasal passages I hear. I've never needed one.
@Paco Dennis I've found nasal irrigation extremely beneficial when it comes to sinus problems. I think it does a better job than saline spray. Something else you could try that I like and works better than saline is Xlear Nasal spray and there's no saline burn.

Xlear Nasal Spray, 45 ml Mist Bottle

An air purifier would help but they can be expensive.

Prednisone and Flonase are evil. Stay away. They cause terrible rebound effects. You'll end up more stuffy than before you used it. Just Jeff has good suggestions. Also, stay away from dairy if you can. Consuming it promotes congestion.

I hope you find something that helps you feel better. 🙂

Bella ✌️
@Paco Dennis I've found nasal irrigation extremely beneficial when it comes to sinus problems. I think it does a better job than saline spray. Something else you could try that I like and works better than saline is Xlear Nasal spray and there's no saline burn.

Xlear Nasal Spray, 45 ml Mist Bottle

An air purifier would help but they can be expensive.

Prednisone and Flonase are evil. Stay away. They cause terrible rebound effects. You'll end up more stuffy than before you used it. Just Jeff has good suggestions. Also, stay away from dairy if you can. Consuming it promotes congestion.

I hope you find something that helps you feel better. 🙂

Bella ✌️
Ditto to dairy!
Maybe that's the trouble here. Most often I don't have allergies, but every so often an exposure of a cold or something that my sinus can't handle. This time I don't feel like I have a cold, but a sinus problem that tries to turn into a postnasal drip. If I can keep the drip from happening, I'll be okay. Otherwise, once a drip the situation turns scary. Any suggestions?
Anti-histamines are helpful, just remember to drink lots of water. Limit dairy. Feel better.
@Paco Dennis I've found nasal irrigation extremely beneficial when it comes to sinus problems. I think it does a better job than saline spray. Something else you could try that I like and works better than saline is Xlear Nasal spray and there's no saline burn.

Xlear Nasal Spray, 45 ml Mist Bottle

An air purifier would help but they can be expensive.

Prednisone and Flonase are evil. Stay away. They cause terrible rebound effects. You'll end up more stuffy than before you used it. Just Jeff has good suggestions. Also, stay away from dairy if you can. Consuming it promotes congestion.

I hope you find something that helps you feel better. 🙂

Bella ✌️
I found some at a local store . I will start trying it tomorrow. THANKS!
I had horrible allergies growing up but I was always the outside girl. The doc said I would grow out of it and I have, all but the cat allergy! I would love to be rid of that one as well because I love cats.
Well, sometimes it pays to believe someone telling what to do, instead of believing others who don't know what to do and/or who make things worse daily.
Almost thirty years ago ND/holistic health givers were able to remedy cat allergies "naturally". Some companies nationwide or worldwide were able to also, simply, effectively and inexpensively. Oh, yeah, those are the same reasons 'regular' ama doctors don't help - it is too honest, too simple, too effective, and quashed by bigpharma whenever possible, in order simply and effectively to sell a lot more drugs, for power and for profit and for control.
Well, sometimes it pays to believe someone telling what to do, instead of believing others who don't know what to do and/or who make things worse daily.
Almost thirty years ago ND/holistic health givers were able to remedy cat allergies "naturally". Some companies nationwide or worldwide were able to also, simply, effectively and inexpensively. Oh, yeah, those are the same reasons 'regular' ama doctors don't help - it is too honest, too simple, too effective, and quashed by bigpharma whenever possible, in order simply and effectively to sell a lot more drugs, for power and for profit and for control.
What does ND stand for? Please can you provide a reference to the holistic health givers remedy for cat allergies? Thanks....whatever it is I need some. :)
What does ND stand for? Please can you provide a reference to the holistic health givers remedy for cat allergies? Thanks....whatever it is I need some. :)
"ND" stands for Naturopathic Doctor.

Check out the site below. Aside from the product recommendation, which I don't know about, and it doesn't list all the ingredients (I can guess what they are), and it's expensive, the remedies are good and doable. :)

6 Purr-fectly Natural Remedies for Cat Allergies >

The part where you bathe your cat. 36 I don't know that even with your allergies, I'd do it the recommended once a week. It would definitely be beneficial to you, but she could end up hating you if you try to force her. 😾 I might aim for twice a month. Normally, kitties do a very good job of cleaning themselves. Unless they really get dirty for some reason, only infrequent bathing is necessary. If bathing her scares the crap out of you, and I can understand why it would 😆, I'd at least follow the instructions for daily brushing. That in and of itself should help. Good luck! 😸

Bella ✌️
