Finally found a community of like minds

@Deby Welcome to Senior Forums from Pennsylvania! You may find a few bumps or potholes along the way, but in general, we like to drive under the limit and observe the rules of the road.
Hope you like it here!

Welcome from a newbie. I joined recently, as well. I am still very lost here with respect to finding my way around or navigating the site. And, not sure how to respond sometimes. I've gotten 'corrected' a few times, but I've taken it all in stride and lessons learned. I guess that's what makes it real to me. Good luck with your membership. Best wishes and welcome.
Salutations from Northern Cal.
Rain or shine, there's no better place to be than here (Assuming of course that you have no better place to be).
We are the most eclectic mismash of individuals you will find anywhere, and we may not be night club performers, but we're always entertaining. Enjoy the show.
As Henny Youngman used to say...I am here all week, try the veal.....JimB.
