A character, who didn't have a significant impact on you, but whom you remember.

We all meet people, and they have various impacts on our lives. Is there someone that kind of sticks out from the crowd? I'm not talking about somebody, who has had a profound meaning in your life, but somebody you fondly remember. As in,......I came from a tiny school. There were only 23 kids in my graduating class. It was a Catholic school. taught by nuns. So they really couldn't teach the Boys PhysEd class. They hired a 22 year old jock., fresh out of teacher's school. I think the reason they hired him was he was the only one, who showed up for the job. I doubt they made big bucks at my school. In gym class, he'd yell at us, things like," I want you to bend over and touch your two left feets". Then he would get mad when we didn't do what he wanted. The guy would give that kind of muddled commands all through gym class, Heck, I didn't know my left feets from my right feets. He was so frustrated by the end of the period. She'd slam the door , and walk out. I can't remember his name, but I won't forget him, either.

Yes,my 4th grade elementary school teacher,I have fond memories of Mrs Haddad
I had to repeat the 4th grade because school work didn't come easy for me.I was happy to have her again as my teacher.She was patient,kind helped me get through my most difficult subject math
[QUOTE="Heck, I didn't know my left feets from my right feets.

i’m still trying to figure that one out myself lol lol lol

Growing up in a fairly small town had its perks. .. teachers impacted me as much as family back then.

Two different high school teachers come to mind .... one was my next door neighbor that I seemed to get too involved in their family affairs. His wife was like an older sister to me.. they had moved there from out of state and didn't have family close by, so she & I became close.

Another was the head football coach/math teacher who I babysat for ... he was very popular with the student body, but a little quirky, and a character for sure .. He had three little boys who were a handful, but I enjoyed babysitting.

After I graduated and moved out of town, I often thought of these teachers and their families.
About 1967. Perhaps 9:00 AM. Nearly deserted Fordham Road subway station, Bronx NY. A woman asked me to hold her baby so she could dig through her bag for something. I was happy to oblige. Had she known how hung over I was from the previous night's frat party (I was just on my way home) she might have been a little more hesitant to hand over her infant.
I don't know if this means they had a significant impact on me ,but they certainly made me do better in my class at school. It was a Nun I had in high school. She had taught my sister for 2 yrs before she started teaching me.She taught Spanish and was crazy about my sister and wanted her to become a translater for people new to the country, After 2 yrs my sister stopped taking Spanish and took Italian. The Nun got made and then she got me. She called me by my sisters first name and held back my marks. I finally had enough of her and confronted her about how she acted towards me. She finally apologized and treated me right after that. So I guess she taught me to have courage,
My school bus driver, Glenn Green. He and his wife were cooks and cleaners of the school and lived in a house with their two kids on the school grounds. They were both dear people. I attended a rural grade school of about 90 kids in 6 grades. The yellow school bus would pick us up and take us home. I was at the beginning and end of the route. At the end of the day as the other kids got off the bus I would move forward and sit behind the driver, Mr. Green. He was a sweet kind man originally from Arkansas, the kind of man who was genuine to the core. He and I would chat. I was a shy kid. I missed him when he had to quit his job and move to town because his wife became ill. He felt like a loving uncle to me. I carry him in my heart.
