Are you afraid?

I can relate. When I turned forty, I went through some kind of identity crisis. I started driving my neon sport coupe down Route 22 doing nearly 100 mph, while blasting Prodigy music. Suddenly I noticed that I was boxed in by four semis. I became furious, honking my horn at them but they kept me boxed in for awhile before allowing me through. I fumed, cursed them and finally made it home. Only there did I pause to reflect; they probably saved my life. Something bigger than me had laid a cautioning hand on me, in the form of these truckers.
Glad u made it...Maybe Angels were looking out for u 🤗 I also can relate to music blasting!! I still turn up the volume when something plays that I really love!
Sure the younger generation is more afraid. Have you looked at a young generation contractor lately. What you might see is a bald headed guy with a huge growth of beard; wearing shorts like a little boy scout. I got this from Gunsmoke but it appears to say a lot about our new generation: MEN AFRAID OF RAZORS
If they wore black hats, I'd think they were married Amish men. Except for the Amish, I don't think I've seen men who have long beards like that. I don't particularly like the look, though. That one with the biggest beard, i wonder if little animals nest in there. It seems perfect for mice, if he lives in a cold weather area in the country.
Afraid of what? I guess we all are afraid of something. As of right now, there's nothing scary in my life. Hopefully, the mouse traps get em. I was sitting there, watching TV, when a mouse walked between my feet. Even the mouse jumped when I screamed.
I would scream, too. But chipmunks have run over my feet and I thought how cute they are -- well I did after being glad it wasn't a mouse. I was outside in the mountains. I guess they don't have mice there. /s
I am afraid to watch horror movies. For some reason they really capture my imagination and its as though they were true, even though intellectually I know they are not. My sons tease me about this, mostly because I agreed to watch the first two episodes of Dr. Who (I presume season 1, there were mannequins). I was scared. The third episode, the boys had to turn off the tv. I was really scared. I don't see how anyone can watch that show. Most of Stephen King's books are like that for me too. I tried to read Salem's Lot (I think that's the title). I was too scared to continue.

I am terrified if someone I don't know has a gun (like police chasing robbers). I was kidnapped at gunpoint when I was 19. I was in grad school, and a lot of were standing around outside taking a break. The police came through on foot and on motorcycles, guns drawn. There had been a jewelry store robbery nearby. I instantly snapped into protective mode and tried to get everyone to stop talking and to hold very still. This was because of the guns, not the police. We have open carry here, but I've never seen anybody do that.

I am afraid to jump out of an airplane. I discovered this when I went for my first jump, and all I felt was a nearly uncontrollable urge to pull people back from the plane's doorway. I was looking forward to skydiving before that happened.

I have been afraid of dying once. I'd had a heart attack and I had to wait for over an hour for the cardiologist to get to the hospital. Lying there, it felt like I was being dragged into a tunnel. I was scared to death that I'd die and leave my four teenagers with no mother. I didn't die, obviously, and I didn't see any lights or anything at the end of the tunnel. However I did read a book about near death experiences, so my mind may have made that part up *at the time*.

I felt afraid when we first moved into this house last December. At night, I'd hear strange noises. Everyone was asleep. Were there ghosts? I have never seen a ghost, so I'd believe in them. I couldn't ask my landlord, because any ghost would have to be one his parents. It turned out that my bedroom closet shares a wall with part of the living room. My dog was sleeping by the living room wall, and was kicking it.

Usually, I do not feel afraid. I feel worried sometimes, but I try not to borrow trouble from an unknown future. I can see all sorts of possible consequences to events, and I do heed those in the spirit of hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I am getting better at living in the now.

If I feel afraid, I listen to it.
I drank nail polish remover (accidentally!) a couple of years ago while I was doing my nails. Our local hospital had shut down their ER so I would have had to have driven to another city to use theirs and since I was uncertain what nail polish remover in my system could do to my driving skills, I decided to stay home, gargle, spit, drink lots of fresh water, and tough it out remembering I'd survived so much worse as a teenager. :giggle:
Did it have acetone in it? Because according to my daughter, who took lots of science courses in college, that is the universal solvent. I'm glad you are okay, whether that ingredient was in it or not. Meanwhile, I use acetone nail polish remover for all sorts of things, as the universal solvent. It cleans grimy light switches pretty well.
When I go out & take my walker with a bag under the seat. I have my 9mm & a 380 stashed in there. Both have laser sites on them. Only once I had to stop a robbery at a place a few of us was eating. seems like perps drop & run when they see the red or green dot on their body or head.
Out of curiousity, do those laser sites mean anyone who had one on his/her gun would be a good shot?

Also, are people who have never shot a gun before but manage to hit on or near the bull's eye every time, natural good shots? My husband and I once spent several hours shooting at his friend's farm. I had never shot a gun before, but managed to do very well. Until I got to the gun that had a hair trigger. I swear, my finger pulsed and the gun went off. Thank goodness my husband had already drilled gun safety rules into me. We had a lot of guns to shoot because my husband's friend was a gun collector.
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4 pages and not one person has mentioned CLOWNS!
I'm I alone with this one?

Never really understood my irrational fear of them, they just creep me out.
No. So am I. I think it's because I know I'm seeing a person who is disguised instead of a real person. Like they have something that could be bad to hide. When we were kids, my mother would get very angry out of the blue, and about what seemed to be nothing. Like once a friend of hers came over. She asked me what I'd been doing, and I said cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. After the friend left, my mother had a screaming fit about how I had misrepresented what I'd done because I hadn't cleaned the ceiling. Her entire face changed. Usually, I knew what was about to happen because a muscle in her face twitched as warning. So she went from mom to monster (from a child's view) in a flash. I think maybe this is how I got my fear of clowns.

I never have thought clowns were funny, even at the circus. My dad, OTOH, liked clowns. He had a large painting of some famous clown. It gave me the heebie-jeebies.
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Yes I agree WheatenLover, like you, I feel safe and secure and living in a quiet, peaceful neighbourhood helps a lot.
I live in a safe neighborhood, too. It is quiet and peaceful, mostly except to the dog who isn't used to neighborhoods yet. We lived in the country previously and still thinks that as far as he can see is his territory. I have only met one neighbor (from afar), but everyone seems very friendly and considerate. I can't wait for Covid to be over so I can meet them in person.
I can relate. When I turned forty, I went through some kind of identity crisis. I started driving my neon sport coupe down Route 22 doing nearly 100 mph, while blasting Prodigy music. Suddenly I noticed that I was boxed in by four semis. I became furious, honking my horn at them but they kept me boxed in for awhile before allowing me through. I fumed, cursed them and finally made it home. Only there did I pause to reflect; they probably saved my life. Something bigger than me had laid a cautioning hand on me, in the form of these truckers.
Your angels were looking after you carouselsilver :)
Today, a fairly large percentage of the population is scared to death of a vaccine that has proven to be safe and could save their lives. They believe it's going to alter their DNA or cause them to grow new appendages protruding from their foreheads. It's crazy!
Dark money is promoting these fears. Just to cause chaos while they do their dirty work.
I fear the political climate here and climate warming. What science is saying about the coming decades has me glad I am not 30. I learned this week coal is up about 170% this year!!!!
I'm with you, fmdog44. The lack of respect for science and medicine is disturbing. We need to stop worshiping celebrities and honor the wisdom of scholars. The dark money is taking advantage of the chaos and democracy is at stake.
