Asking for Vitamin/Supplement Thoughts

I allow myself 1200 kcals daily. My plan is to start eating lower carb and I've always been mindful of sodium and sugar intake.
When I was young my diet was a mess and a doctor I went to when I started having migraines told me to buy a book that has tables of the nutrient content of different foods and eat foods that would meet the vitamin/mineral requirements.

Of course if you can't eat a lot of calories then it is hard to meet the requirements. It also requires having a really varied diet, for me it was too much work to do that, so I started taking vitamins back then. At that time Vitamin A and the B-vitamins did me a noticeable amount of good, but my diet had been extremely bad (like french fries and ice cream only) and I also didn't eat meat for several years at that time, so I'm sure I was absolutely deficient in most nutrients.

Most of my adult life I've taken a multi-vitamin, but I'd add in extra of whatever was the popular nutrient but it is so frustrating that first the news would say take X, then later it would say don't take X.

Three years ago I was having trouble with muscle weakness, especially when I exercised a little too long. What worked for me was increasing sodium (after I added up what I was getting in food and discovered I'd gone too gung-ho into low-sodium), and B12 helped a lot, but I still wasn't quite back to normal, and the dental hygienist told me that her mother had been getting weak and that B12 plus Iron helped her. So I tried adding some iron and it worked. I'd been taking the iron-free senior vitamins for years and I guess my diet doesn't include enough iron-rich food (liver - yuck!). So I buy the type of multi-vitamin+iron that says the daily dose is two, but I only take one (so just a half-dose of iron).

Currently I take, D3, Magnesium, Calcium (added this past year because now I'm on an osteoporosis medicine that requires taking calcium to ensure the med doesn't cause inadequate calcium because the med prevents the body from taking calcium from the bones which is the body's normal method of maintaining a proper serum balance when the diet doesn't provide enough), fish oil (per the doctor's recommendation), B12 (even tho the blood tests says it is high now, my doctor said to continue it, tho I'm not sure if he said that because it helped my weakness or because I have a family history of pernicious anemia), a half-dose of a multivitamin+iron, and a probiotic.

I take a particular probiotic that has a lot of one type of beneficial bacteria that my gut-health analysis (poop test) showed I was low in.

Another caution about iron is that some people have hereditary hemochromatosis and don't know it. My brother only found out after he had a DNA test done and saw that he had both copies of a gene variant that can cause it and he went to the doctor and he does have it and now he has to have blood removed regularly (and they can't even use the blood because of the excess iron). I got lucky and inherited the good variant from both parents (parents had one good/one bad).

I have Biotin here... got it to strengthen my hair, but I put it away and promptly forgot about it until now. Oh, I know about those huge pills! I have a pill crusher/splitter on the way from Amazon that I ordered last week... hope it works. There's a blade for cutting in half and a twist motion for crushing. @OneEyedDiva
I find that pills cut in half scratch my throat. What do you take them with after you crush them?
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I find that pills cutnin half scratch my throat. What do you take them with after you crush them?
I'm not sure... I just ordered it and it hasn't arrived yet. My husband said probably just put the powder into coffee or juice... so that seems the most reasonable, but I'll google it to see if there's a reason it shouldn't be done that way. @OneEyedDiva EDIT: Okay, I checked. Taking it in liquid seems to be fine. I did read that certain supplements state on the bottle that they shouldn't be crushed... none of mine say that, luckily.

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My recent visit with doctor had me wondering if any vitamin supplement would be good. She said "From the chemistry I've seen from you in the past 6 months, just stay with glucosamine, otc aspirin/ibuprofen and you're good. Maybe some vit D as we're wet here. Oh and go with chicken, not beef"

Sounds good to me.
I find that pills cutnin half scratch my throat. What do you take them with after you crush them?
The first one I bought, also from Amazon, didn’t help me swallowing the big vitamins. As @OneEyedDiva said, they scratched my throat. I now buy mini size Centrum. They cost more and are worth it.

I also bought a second pill cutter for travel from the dollar store. It works just as well for as the $8 Amazon one and does the trick for cutting my prescription pill.
Which form of magnesium do you find as helpful as that, Judy cat? I usually try the mag. glucinate, because it's easy to digest and supposed to be for those goals, too, plus for relaxation/sleep, but it doesn't seem to do as well as yours does for you.
I use plain old magnesium oxide. I tried the glucinate. It didn't do much for me.
I'm also 65, healthy and active. I take Centrum Silver, Fish Oil (for heart), Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Collagen Peptides (for joints), Zinc, Red Yeast Rice (for Cholesterol), Fortify probiotic and Blood Pressure Support (natural supplement). I also drink 4 oz. of beet juice each day.

I'm not sure which are working and which aren't but I had my annual physical exam last month and my vitals were perfect. My systolic blood pressure had dropped from 160 to 130.
I'm not sure... I just ordered it and it hasn't arrived yet. My husband said probably just put the powder into coffee or juice... so that seems the most reasonable, but I'll google it to see if there's a reason it shouldn't be done that way. @OneEyedDiva EDIT: Okay, I checked. Taking it in liquid seems to be fine. I did that certain supplements state on the bottom that they shouldn't be crushed... none of mine say that, luckily.
Thank you Kate. I break open the cherry concentrate capsule and put it in my green tea. It doesn't alter the taste at all and that's a good thing. Not sure other supplements would fare as well. Let me know, okay? I'll have to check the Centrum bottle to see if it says do not crush. I know some prescription drugs say that. If I can crush the pill, know what my crusher will be? The pills (one at a time) in a 4 ml mini plastic bag and something fairly heavy to smash them with.

@Jules I got a large bottle of Centrum from Costco so it will take me a while to use all of those. But for the next time...did you get the mini Centrums from Amazon?
I'm also 65, healthy and active. I take Centrum Silver, Fish Oil (for heart), Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, Collagen Peptides (for joints), Zinc, Red Yeast Rice (for Cholesterol), Fortify probiotic and Blood Pressure Support (natural supplement). I also drink 4 oz. of beet juice each day.

I'm not sure which are working and which aren't but I had my annual physical exam last month and my vitals were perfect. My systolic blood pressure had dropped from 160 to 130.
Impressive, @seadoug ! Is that natural supplement for blood pressure stand-alone, or do you use it with a prescription med for the blood pressure? Also, is that the actual name of the product... "Blood Pressure Support"? And you can keep the beet juice. Well, unless it's some kind of fountain of youth that knocks ten years off overnight. And speaking of... I've had water from Ponce de Leon's Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine on numerous occasions. It's a fraud. :LOL:
Medical physicians often prescribe drugs.
Is there a holistic physician who can prescribe a blood test?
if so, they can (from the blood test) prescribe the needed
nutrients and vitamins.
Some of the medical doctors will also order blood tests for vitamins and nutrients, if you ask them, or if they see a symptom or situation, where something might be low.

Especially they might, where a specific test is available and might be helpful, such as Vitamin D is a separate individual test. Good for someone who isn't outdoors much or needs to be covered when they are.
B-12 and Folate are in one test. Good for those who do not eat red meats for whatever reasons. Etc.
Some nutrient tests are good for those with family who had certain conditions, such as the iron.
Thank you, also to
@HoneyNut for posting those details, you did, which highlight some of them, too.
Thank you, for that info. The oxide was hard on my digestion, I think, but I might re-try it, then.
You don't have to take it very long. I sometimes take a full dose then a half for the next day or two. I understand about hard on the digestion though. I can't take most supplements because of that. Biotin, folate, fish oil, vit D3, yeast....blah forget it.
You don't have to take it very long. I sometimes take a full dose then a half for the next day or two. I understand about hard on the digestion though. I can't take most supplements because of that. Biotin, folate, fish oil, vit D3, yeast....blah forget it.
Okay, thanks for that info about dosage/ frequency.
And yes, some things are hard on the digestion, yet tolerable for a good effect, or less difficult when taken with foods.

Then, some others are so hard on the digestion, that it just creates a bigger and different problem, than the one we already had, or might have!:giggle::LOL:
Impressive, @seadoug ! Is that natural supplement for blood pressure stand-alone, or do you use it with a prescription med for the blood pressure? Also, is that the actual name of the product... "Blood Pressure Support"? And you can keep the beet juice. Well, unless it's some kind of fountain of youth that knocks ten years off overnight. And speaking of... I've had water from Ponce de Leon's Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine on numerous occasions. It's a fraud. :LOL:
LOL re: the fountain of youth. I love St. Augustine and have been there many times. Never drank from the fountain!

I don't take prescription meds for blood pressure. This one is sold from Amazon.
I take a lot of vitamins and have done for many years. I was taking calcium with vitamin d and cod liver oil but I stopped because I read somewhere that it caused strokes. I think I will go back to using them as my body has numerous aches and pains, could be old age, could be arthritis. I am outside a lot so could probably do without D but calcium is not so effective unless taken with D.
~Potassium: Stops or lessens the severity of foot cramps.

~Zinc: I hadn't gotten cold or flu

~Lutein: For eye health. I feel it has helped lessen the effects of my various eye issues.

~Biotin: for the skin and cells.
Bonjour one diva:

Agree! Ha

Take Zn 50 mg for decades rec by eye surgeon, same result almost no cold/flu.
Biotin: that Plus 1 mg Borage oil, anti inflammatory for arthritis, improved hair/skin but took years.
Potassium: Taking Mn for cramps, will try P thx for tip

Note that MnO2 is useless, insoluble and may be laxative
MnO2 = 99.5% of the junk "magnesium" at Az, Costco, etc.

Look for more costly but effective Mn Glycinate or Mn Citrate.


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I've taken vitamin supplements for decades. I take a B-Complex, Vitamin D3, Boron, Vitamin C, Biotin, Horsetail Shavegrass, Bilberry, Ginko Biloba, Milk Thistle, Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Lycopene, Zinc, Chromium, CoQ10, Magnesium Glycinate/Citrate/Malate, Probiotic, and Digestive Enzymes. 🙃🙂
I'd like to get some thoughts on the vitamins/supplements that would be most beneficial... just asking for what's worked for ya'll, not for "medical advice" which I assume we're not supposed to be giving here. :) Bottom line facts are that I'm 65 and healthy. I allow myself 1200 kcals daily. My plan is to start eating lower carb and I've always been mindful of sodium and sugar intake. I do not get nearly enough vitamins in the foods I eat. I like veggies and fruits but I don't eat enough of them and don't really want to start forcing veggies down my throat. 🤫

So anyhow... here's my plan, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on anything I am missing that may be essential.
I want to take: (1) a multi (2) Calcium (3) Iron
On the fence about and asking for advice concerning need for: potassium, Vit C, B Complex, Magnesium, Vit D3
Figuring I probably don't need: Fish Oil, Glucosamine

What did I miss that could be essential? I know the multi has calcium and iron, but I do want a boost with those.
Hi, @CallMeKate: After reading all the replies to your request, you may be getting the impression that there's no straightforward answer. That's spot on. Even choosing a good multi isn't that easy. No product can contain all the RDAs of vitamins and minerals. Now THAT would be a horse pill! On one extreme, if you get the Life Extension newsletter, you'll see a recommendation for something 'you can't live without' every month. After many years of this newsletter, I'd be taking hundreds of supplements if I followed their monthly advice. On the other extreme, you could visit and find that just about everything outside of mainstream medicine is a scam, including supplements. The best recommendation I generally see is to 'see your doctor' - good luck with that. (My GP is Harvard-trained - seems pretty good until you realize he knows next to nothing about natural approaches to health.) So I would modify that comment a bit by saying naturopathic doctor. They generally have a good handle on whole-person healing, including figuring out what supplements you might need.

Had list of 30 I took. A doctor friend said take a vitamin/supplement holiday and stop it all for a week/month/year.

My thought: Many vita/supp may be harmful or useless eg calcium, iron.

Some like Mg depend on the exact form eg oxide vs glycinate.
Less is more
Websites: Follow the money, what's the real agenda?
Research, network, test,
use your own instincts
trust but verify (Ronald Regan)

have a great day

For those of you who take numerous supplements , how do you time them. Some you have to take with food, some do not take within a couple of hours of medication. I have a problem with time.
