Bowel regimen

There are things eaten that lead to difficult bowel movements for me. They are whole grains like wheat and rice, bran cereals and certain beans. I'm no expert, but I read there are soluble and insoluble fibers. The latter are non-digestible and sit in your lower intestine to ferment causing bloating, gas and general discomfort. They are actually not digestible so why eat them. Bran is in that category. What I read was someone read bran was good so they put it on every meal's menu. Their gut got so clogged that they needed an operation to remove the plug. Google dietary fiber and educate yourself. Avoid insoluble fibers and see what happens. This is contrary to what others posted but what works for some may not work for others. I try to eat soluble fibers exclusively and my movements are OK.

no bake chocolate peanut butter oatmeal cookies, I eat like 3 of them a day they are so good, but you only need one to get your poo goin. just google it "no bake oatmeal cookies". I use splenda in place of the sugar.
You've gotten what seems like some good suggestions here. My delicious go to if I'm ever constipated (which is rare) is a Wendy's chocolate frosty. About 20 minutes after I drink one of those bad boys, I'm good to go. :D
