Carnage in the playground: Syrian refugee stabs children in prams and toddlers

It is only that we are now a global community with instant access to news. The world is actually more peaceful now than ever in history. Really.
Yep…I concur. While the first half of the twentieth century marked a period of extraordinary violence, the world has become more peaceful in the past 30 years.

😳I truly can’t believe I’m reading this from you of all people 🙄
It's okay he is a friend, his only one. Benzo,s was my first forum topic 17 years back, having been through the litigation against the pharmaceutical companies and watching friends die. While they still addict the USA , Aussie, and war-torn countries for a huge profit. And the world has not gone mad, some reckon.

It's okay he is a friend, his only one. Benzo,s was my first forum topic 17 years back, having been through the litigation against the pharmaceutical companies and watching friends die. While they still addict the USA , Aussie, and war-torn countries for a huge profit. And the world has not gone mad, some reckon.
If you’re ok with it that’s all that matters.
Without that info, it comes across as questionable. 🤷‍♀️
And who dutifully rushes in a woman/mother. The pos was probably never told don't mess or try anything with the mama bear around.
OMG! How horrible! It's getting late and I can't bring myself to read about the gory details right now. My wish for him is that he is subjected to the worst punishment possible. And when he dies, I hope he spends eternity in the worst pit of hell there is. If things where he'll be going are like things here...he will catch hell from the other inmates for harming children, cowardly b*stard!
I agree with you 100%
That bloke is just a bloody coward. One of the main truths about losers and cowards is that they never pick on their own size or anyone bigger. They only pick on little guys. Them babies were pretty little.
Yep…I concur. While the first half of the twentieth century marked a period of extraordinary violence, the world has become more peaceful in the past 30 years.
Bit lost on the thinking. Behavioural modernity has had 65,000 years to evolve and develop in the reputed intelligent race, we are not talking about "The Fields of Flanders". Also with current levels of education, learning, and previous experiences, mankind has shown that it has learned nothing, or is that now womankind, other than its learned helplessness has finally taken it to the ultimate peak of future development.
The guy was mentally ill, not surprising considering how complicated a brain is.
I think we all abhor stabbing children. Yet, I'm not sure what Abdalmash H's worst crime is-stabbing kids, or being a "so called Syrian refugee". And when someone is running around stabbing kids in the "name of Jesus Christ", it does bring up his mental state. 'H' is a delusionally dangerous man, and should never, ever be freed. And I'm sure the UK (and USA) had its own home grown share of crazy, murdering, drug filled, antisocial misfits well before any Syrian immigrants arrived.
Oh ya! Just keep bringing all those immigrants in. Doesn't matter if they are crazy, murderers, druggies, child molsters, wife beaters or just plain anti-social misfits. We need them to work at those poorly paid jobs that the locals don't want. I'm surprised how so many folks want their "cake and they want to eat it too" without realizing that for every action there is a reaction (Law of Physics). To my way of thinking, the future is looking pretty grim!
Xenophobia anyone?
