Do You Believe in an Eternal Hell

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How to explain volcanos.

That is where evil people are condemned to go upon death.

The night sky or heavens as it is commonly called.

Is the place where the spirit of a good persons spirit might go when they die.

Somewhere between those two is a place where angels & the devil's helpers hang out to fact check a ledger filled with what billions of humans have done.

That might sound crazy but how else would a spirit get a fair judgement ?

When trying to fathom the particulars as to the who-what-when-why-where of Hell, I just lean on biblical scripture. There's a lot in there about the particulars. Not every question is answered but many.
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While I respect another’s right to believe as they choose, I simply cannot fathom a Divine Being who would choose to teach/punish their erring children by means of the threat of hellfire. I prefer a non punitive Creator, and the concept of Reincarnation.🙏
What individuals prefer has nothing to do with what is.
Please say you’re kidding?😬😅
A simple explanation or at least a version that makes sense of why hell is internal to our planet. You have to agree thousands dyeing daily in our world would have to have an intermediate stopping place to verify how they were when they were alive.

Then the billions that have lived and died over the centuries must have been a real challenge to assess since humans have evolved in their interactions. Crime and punishment what might be evil now was part of how life was centuries ago.

Thinking about that what kind of judgement would take place for acts like these.

Would the persons doing the dismemberment or the person ordering dismemberment be judged the same?
A simple explanation or at least a version that makes sense of why hell is internal to our planet. You have to agree thousands dyeing daily in our world would have to have an intermediate stopping place to verify how they were when they were alive.

Then the billions that have lived and died over the centuries must have been a real challenge to assess since humans have evolved in their interactions. Crime and punishment what might be evil now was part of how life was centuries ago.

Thinking about that what kind of judgement would take place for acts like these.

Would the persons doing the dismemberment or the person ordering dismemberment be judged the same?
Oh my, thank you so much for the laughter. It was worth spitting coffee all over the rug 😂
One time on the show The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon and Amy were discussing church and Amy said something that I've always thought about. Sheldon said that his mother made him go to church when he was a kid, and she said (paraphrasing here a little), "I understand the concept of a deity, I just don't understand one that takes attendance." I never understood why church was mandatory when God is supposed to be everywhere. What is the purpose of people meeting in one building once a week?
Someone mentioned Spothern Baptists..I grew up in Louisiana and I remember our Newman Club (Catholic students) dances on Sunday nights. We had Southern Baptists coming because they were not allowed to dance in their churches.. Wonderful times!!
Yes, certain sects of the Southern Baptists were not allowed to dance, that is the sect I was raised in or wear make up etc. The ones that came to your dances, were probably not raised in the same sect as I was. They would not have participated. The sticks up their bums and the Bible’s glued in their hands would have prevented dancing of any kind, anywhere.
What is the purpose of people meeting in one building once a week?
My husband, who knows far more about history & religion , than I ever would , says that people first started attending a once a week meeting because the Bible was only written in Hewbrew. The common person would need it translated which was the main reason they met. This then become tradition and later became a time to collect offerings or donations towards the service. Hearing these types of services seemed to help people cope, mentality, physically and spiritually.
Hope this topic is ok. :cool: I can not accept the idea of an eternal hell. I still think it was a teaching specifically to 'control the masses'
What loving God would condemn anyone for eternity. I accept karma and the need to atone for wrongdoing in some way or another, but not eternal damnation.
This may be why I also am slowly accepting the idea of reincarnation, though I am not totally 'happy' with it 🙂
Still, it seems to be a 'just' method to work out our challenges and misdeeds.
I have to say I don't believe in "eternal anything". We're just not that important, though we like to think we are. We're all afraid to die so we invented life after death.
For example?
Missionaries have caused both good and not good. Some brought diseases and engaged in slavery. Some built orphanages, brought healthcare,
educated locals, etc.
If you really think all missionaries did only harm I don't think there is any way to convince you otherwise. The internet is full of the good works accomplished as well as the harm committed.
One time on the show The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon and Amy were discussing church and Amy said something that I've always thought about. Sheldon said that his mother made him go to church when he was a kid, and she said (paraphrasing here a little), "I understand the concept of a deity, I just don't understand one that takes attendance." I never understood why church was mandatory when God is supposed to be everywhere. What is the purpose of people meeting in one building once a week?
I kind of feel this way as well but have heard over and over there is strength in numbers. I remember the 'where 2 or more are gathered in my name..." from the bible but forget where it is...
I feel God is always with all of us..and am reminded 'In Him we live and move and have our being" :)
I have to say I don't believe in "eternal anything". We're just not that important, though we like to think we are. We're all afraid to die so we invented life after death.
I think we are 'that important'.
I used to think perhaps the fear of death was the reason we had to believe, but for some strange reason knowing if there is nothing we will never know somehow is partial proof there is...and I can not explain that but just feel it is true.. Many will disagree with me and believe otherwise and that is OK with me.
My husband, who knows far more about history & religion , than I ever would , says that people first started attending a once a week meeting because the Bible was only written in Hewbrew. The common person would need it translated which was the main reason they met. This then become tradition and later became a time to collect offerings or donations towards the service. Hearing these types of services seemed to help people cope, mentality, physically and spiritually.
Your husband is right.
Missionaries have caused both good and not good. Some brought diseases and engaged in slavery. Some built orphanages, brought healthcare,
educated locals, etc.
If you really think all missionaries did only harm I don't think there is any way to convince you otherwise. The internet is full of the good works accomplished as well as the harm committed.
The deeds you mention were/are not a gift. Christian missionaries are footmen in the service of an organization that operates by methods similar to that of the mafia. I've lived in sub-Saharan Africa where a common expression is, "Missionaries came with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other."
My goodness, this thread is still going…ah well…

Except for Easter and Christmas, weddings, baptisms and funerals, I rarely go to church, but they do ask me to sing, so I keep making an appearance. I went to my little country church this Easter and as I watched the vicar and the people in the church…the “believers” of everything…I could not help wondering, would they love Jesus as much if they knew what he really looked like?

All those crosses with effigies of a blond haired blue eye Jesus ( real name Yeshua or Joshua)…I ponder as to what might change if, the person Christians celebrate as God in the flesh and saviour of the entire world, was not a white man, but a Middle Eastern Jew…if God made humans in His image, then why are we not more loving and kind to different races??

The whitewashing of Jesus is very sad indeed and to think people are still doing this in the 21st century makes me cringe. I can only hope children begin to question these things at an early age and have a more sensible approach to life than their parents.

My goodness, this thread is still going…ah well…

Except for Easter and Christmas, weddings, baptisms and funerals, I rarely go to church, but they do ask me to sing, so I keep making an appearance. I went to my little country church this Easter and as I watched the vicar and the people in the church…the “believers” of everything…I could not help wondering, would they love Jesus as much if they knew what he really looked like?

All those crosses with effigies of a blond haired blue eye Jesus ( real name Yeshua or Joshua)…I ponder as to what might change if, the person Christians celebrate as God in the flesh and saviour of the entire world, was not a white man, but a Middle Eastern Jew…if God made humans in His image, then why are we not more loving and kind to different races??

The whitewashing of Jesus is very sad indeed and to think people are still doing this in the 21st century makes me cringe. I can only hope children begin to question these things at an early age and have a more sensible approach to life than their parents.


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